Promoting SDGs and Mountain Targets During UN Day at UVU

On October 24, 2018, the Utah Valley University (UVU) commemorated the United Nations Day by combining with a Sustainability Day


On October 24, 2018,  the Utah Valley University (UVU) commemorated the United Nations Day by combining with a Sustainability Day. It was a great opportunity for faculty and students  to raise an awareness among their peers and local community about United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS). Members of the Utah International Mountain Forum, a coalition of student clubs at UVU used both events in order to explain to the audience the importance of implementation of  mountain targets as a benchmarks to ensure sustainable development to the mountain communities worldwide.


Andrew Jensen speaks at the Sustainability Day Panel at UVU

Andrew Jensen reported during session of the Sustainability Day Panel about UIMF members participation and advocacy for the implementation of mountain targets during the 53rd session of the Commission on Social development in January 2018, 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women in March 2018 and High-Level Political Forum on sustainable development  in July 2018.


As part of contribution to the UN Day, UIMF members such as Laila Mitchell, Hagen IsaacsonMegan Davis and Mark Driggs hosted special tables with information about advocacy of the mountain targets at the UN during 2018, while Rebecca Bindraban  promoted the undergraduate student research journal “Youth and the Muntains” as an opportunity for UVU students to publish their academic papers on different aspects of sustainable mountain development both in Utah and globally.

Andrew Jensen  with members of the Model UN Club, such as Megan DavisWilliam Gum , and  Hagen Isaacson on behalf of the UIMF participated on October 25th , 2018 in the Be the Change Tour Project. This program is specific to the UVU’s Center for Social Impact’s 25th-anniversary celebration. The Be the Change Tour involves the implementation of one service project a month on or around the 25th. Each project is focused on community needs and will be help on or off campus. Students and community members have been invited to participate in various projects and Model UN members  were assigned into different groups and designated areas to map all of the trees on UVU campus and create data points to help UVU become an accredited tree campus.

Kyle Warren, a member of the Rotaract, a new club member at  UIMF, reports how his peers contributed to the UN day by hosting a table during entire week to raise funds in support of the International Polio Eradication Day. On October 26, 2018 Rotaract members hosted a special event commemorating the  World Polio Day with inviting representatives of Rotary International from Salt Lake City,  and Orem City to name a few.

         Samuel Elzinga, President, UIMF. 


Agenda of the Sustainability Day at UVU




Andrew Jensen-Sustainability Day Panel at Utah Valley University


Laila Mitchell-UIMF Engagement with Students on Sustainability Day


Kyle Warren – World Polio Day and UVU’s Rotaract 


Hagen Isaacson-UIMF Promotes Mountain Targets During UN Day


Megan Davis-Celebrating UN Sustainability Day by Tabling with UIMF


Megan Davis-UIMF Participates in UVU Tree Logging Service Project


Mark Driggs – UIMF Participates in UN Day


Rebecca Bindraban-Promoting the Youth and the Mountains Journal during UN Day at UVU


Andrew Jensen-Tree Mapping at UVU during UN Day


William Gum-Trees, trees everywhere


Hagen Isaacson-UIMF Participates in Tree Mapping at UVU


Kyle-Williams-UIMF members mapped trees at UVU campus