
Benjamin Hood

Artwork by Benjamin Hood titled Song of the Assassin/Breath of the Koroshi-ya

Song of the Assassin/Breath of the Koroshi-ya

Benjamin Hood

Semester Issue: Spring 2024

I got the idea for this drawing after playing an unhealthy amount of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. The character "O'Rin of the Water" served as a major inspiration for the design. The overarching theme revolves around a character who executes their kills through the enchanting melodies played on a flute.


Song of the Assassin by Ben Hood
Artwork by Benjamin Hood titled Scout's Honor/Thicker Than Water

Scout's Honor/Thicker Than Water

Benjamin Hood

Semester Issue: Spring 2024

The foundation of this artwork stems from the concept of shattered honesty and trust. Delving into the theme of broken connections, I aimed to incorporate elements of the American traditional tattooing style.


Scouts Honor by Ben Hood
Artwork by Benjamin Hood titled Mom/A Son's Shield

A Son's Shield/Mom

Benjamin Hood

Semester Issue: Spring 2024

Made for my mom. I plan to get a tattoo for her, but not this piece specifically. However, I wanted to do this American traditional tattoo classic. My mother has always been my rock and I am eternally grateful for the love, support, and strength she’s given me


Popup box containing an Artwork by Benjamin Hood titled Mom/A Son's Shield

Artwork by Ben Hood titled Overseers/Dismay


Benjamin Hood

Semester Issue: Spring 2024

This is a portion of a larger piece I did that I wasn’t the biggest fan of, however, I liked this part of the work. It is the idea of three beings that watch over all. The emotions they feel are always on full display and here they cry for different reasons while looking at the same thing.

Artwork by Benjamin Hood titled Belmont/Hunt the Night

Belmont/Hunt the Night

Benjamin Hood

Semester Issue: Spring 2024

After enjoying the Castlevania games growing up and loving the anime that came from it, I made this piece. The idea of a family of monster hunters is not special to Castlevania, but I always liked the portal of the story and how it all felt.


Belmont by Ben Hood
Artwork by Benjamin Hood titled Worn Valor

Worn Valor

Benjamin Hood

Semester Issue: Spring 2024

Engaged in an incessant struggle, relentlessly pushing oneself to the brink, this artwork draws inspiration from the world of tattoos. It encapsulates the notion of an unending fight where one exerts maximum effort and resilience, embodying the spirit of giving it your all.


Worn Valor by Ben Hood
Artwork by Benjamin Hood titled Spider

Semester Issue: Fall 2023

This unsettling creation emerged from a conversation with a friend who shared their fear of spiders. Inspired by their desire for a more hair-raising experience, I aimed to intensify the creepiness factor. While again, adding just my own unique details.


  • Still Image by Benjamin Hood
  • Still Image by Benjamin Hood
  • Still Image by Benjamin Hood
  • Still Image by Benjamin Hood
  • Still Image by Benjamin Hood

Late Night Bite

Benjamin Hood

Semester Issue: Fall 2023

This project was a personal project that developed into a semester class project. Many aspects of the environment are pulled directly from real-world references in Japan. The models are built in Maya. Textured in Substance Painter, placed and rendered in Unreal Engine 4.


Lofi song is "Blue Moon" by Eric Godlow on Youtube and SoundCloud.


Artwork by Benjamin Hood titled Broken Justice

Broken Justice

Benjamin Hood

Semester Issue: Fall 2023

During an ethics and values class, I created this artwork as part of a week-long discussion on the concept of capital punishment. The piece explores various arguments regarding its legality and morality within a civilized society.


Artwork from Benjamin Hood titled Grim Animator

Grim Animator

Benjamin Hood

Semester Issue: Fall 2023

This artwork pays homage to traditional animators who worked on paper, crafting the films that shaped my childhood and sparked my passion. While honoring those roots, I've added my personal touch, incorporating a Grim Reaper-like character. This symbolizes my commitment to a lifelong journey as an animator, blending tradition with my unique perspective.


Artwork by Benjamin Hood titled Bear

Semester Issue: Fall 2023

I have an admiration for bears; they're fascinating creatures embodying toughness and unwavering determination. In my artwork, I aimed to convey a bear that has faced numerous challenges yet continues to persevere. This depiction symbolizes resilience and strength. I'm very proud of the flow of the artwork and the balance in it.


Artwork by Benjamin Hood titled Muhammad Ali/Sonny Liston

Muhammad Ali/Sonny Liston:

Benjamin Hood

Semester Issue: Fall 2023

One of the pivotal moments in combat sports is the iconic image of Muhammed Ali standing over a vanquished Sonny Liston. This event marked a significant upset in the sport and underscored the greatness of Muhammad Ali. A side note, often overlooked is the compelling story of Sonny Liston—his struggles, complexities, and the nuanced narrative that goes beyond the simplified memories after his defeat.


Artwork by Benjamin Hood titled Tiger

Semester Issue: Fall 2023

I created this tiger's head in the style of neo-traditional tattoos, initially envisioning it as a concept for a tattoo I hope to get someday. The design reflects my ongoing intention to bring this artistic concept to life on my skin.