UVU 2022 Legislative Priorities:

Compensation and Mandatory Increases

  • 3.5% cost of living adjustment
  • Mandatory cost increases to insurance premiums
  • Risk management rate increases


Performance-funding (USHE $35M/UVU $5.7M)

  • Student access and completion ($1.7M)
  • Flexible education opportunities for timely completion ($1.1M)
  • Digital transformation and cybersecurity ($600K)
  • Healthcare program expansion ($2.2M)


Growth (USHE $5M)

  • Faculty and instructional or student support staff for high-demand, high-growth programs


Capital Facilities

College of Engineering and Technology building ($110M total, $80M ask)

  • UVU has raised $30M from private donors


Retention and Completion

UVU is now implementing a new 4-year (2019–2022) completion plan that includes initiatives for a first-year advising center, data-driven interventions, pathways, general education, scheduling, faculty development, student communication, and high-impact practices.

Download the Fast Facts PDF for graduation and degree statistics.