Symphony Orchestra


UVU Music Presents

UVU Chamber Choir, UVU Deep Green, UVU Emerald Singers, and Mountain View High School Chamber Choir

Fall Choral Showcase

Concert Hall

October 6, 2022 | 7:00 p.m.



Brett Taylor
Sterling Keyes

Reed Criddle


UVU Deep Green

Fire (from Elements)

Katerina Gimon (b. 1993)

Gehovanny Baleki & Austin Phillips, djembes

Molly Flake, assistant conductor

Autumn Leaves

Johnny Mercer, Jacques Prevert, Joseph Prevert
arr. Alfred Reed (b. 1921–2005)

Andrew Silver, pianist

Kiss from a Rose

Seal (b. 1963)
arr. Stefan Wyatt

Gabe Scott, tenor



Mountain View High school Chamber Choir


American Folksong
arr. James Erb (1926–2014)

There Will Come Soft Rains

Matt Podd

Donna Millard, pianist



The spring is fresh and fearless
And every leaf is new,
The world is brimmed with moonlight,
The lilac brimmed with dew.

Here in the moving shadows
I catch my breath and sing -
My heart is fresh and fearless
And over-brimmed with spring.

There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;

And frogs in the pools singing at night,
And wild plum trees in tremulous white,

Robins will wear their feathery fire
Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;

And not one will know of the war, not one
Will care at last when it is done.

Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree
If mankind perished utterly;

And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn,
Would scarcely know that we were gone.

- Sara Teasdale




UVU Chamber Choir

Ambe (Come)

Cory Campbell (Ojibwe nation)
arr. Andrew Balfour (Cree nation)

Matt Watson, assistant conductor



Come in, two-legged beings.
Come in, all people.
There is good life here.

Vårnatt (Spring Night)

Wilhelm Stenhammar (1871–1927)

John Sargeant, pianist



Lovely, white spring, you move on stripes of starlight
Silently across paths, effortly through the nocturnal mist
You give new life and growth, you give sun and verdancy
And grant, if only we believe in you, everything our hearts desire. 
Scatter by the armful dew and scent on your journey -
Sparks, oblivion, and song - all that renews the world.

But, oh gentle spring, remember that you bear a promise 
For that which will never think of budding again:
Dreams which just ended in a struggle, promises slowly consumed,
Threads which slowly wore out no matter how firmly, how firmly they were spun, 
Strings which snapped unnoticed but had to quiver long, 
Thoughts which clashed and toiled until they outlived themselves. 

All of these are waiting for you, waiting for their reward, 
Yearning by untrodden paths to become ashes in urns. 

Lovely, white spring, spread your joy around the town, 
but where you radiantly go, do not forget the withered leaves.

- Translation by Jonathan Sydenham/Reed Criddle


Let Love Sustain You (World Premiere)

 Dmitri Shostakovich (1906–1975)
arr. Criddle

John Sargeant, pianist


When You Wish Upon a Star

 Leigh Harline (1907–1969)
arr. Clay Warnick (1915–1995)

Madison O’Brien & Casey Copier, soloists


Senior Spotlight

Où va la jeune Hindoue (from Lakmé)

 Léo Delibes (1836–1891)

Linnea Miner Mott, soprano
Lori Weiss, pianist



Over there, in the forest more dark, 
who is the traveler who has lost his way? 
All around him eyes shine in the shadows, 
he wanders on, aimless and desperate! 
The wild beasts roar with pleasure, 
they run to leap on their prey. 

The young girl runs up and braves their fury:
she has in her hand a wand
on which tinkle the little bells of the magician! 

Ah! (Imitating the bells) 

The foreigner looks at her, she stands in amazement.
He is more handsome than the Rahjas! 
He would blush, if he knew that he owes his life
To the daughter of pariahs.

But he, sending her to sleep in a dream,
up to Heaven he transports her,
while he tells her: “Your place is there!” 
It was Vishnu, son of Brahma! 

Since that day in the depths of the woods, 
the traveler hears at times
the sound light of a wand
on which tinkle the little bells of the magician. 

Ah! (Imitating the bells) 


Rajah: an Indian king or prince. 

Vishnu: a major god of Hinduism and Indian mythology, popularly regarded
as the preserver of the universe. 

Brahma: the creator god in Hinduism.




UVU Emerald Singers

No Time

Traditional Camp Meeting Song
arr. Dr. Susan Brumfield

Katrina McNiven, pianist



Daniel Elder (b. 1986)

Katrina McNiven, pianist


Ain't No Grave Can Hold My Body Down

Traditional Spiritual
arr. Paul Caldwell & Sean Ivory

Kylie Campbell & Alexandria Cartmill, sign language soloists
John Sargeant, pianist


combined Choirs

They're Red Hot

Robert Johnson (1911–1938)
arr. Moira Smiley

Dixie Choque, alto



UVU Deep Green

Dr. Reed Criddle


Tenor 1

Keith Borrowman
Molly Flake +#
Galo Lastra
Austin Phillips
Gabe Scott *
Jared Van Leeuwen #

Tenor 2

Gehovanny Baleki
Jonathen Green
Joshua Schilling
Andrew Silver *
Isaiah Stotesbery
Kristian Winn

+ Assistant Conductor
* Section Leaders


Kade Bennett
Taylor Sorenson
Bryan Weatherston * 
Jamen Zohner

Bass 2

Camden Johnson 
Travis Lunt *
Anthony Mauck
Josh Walton ^
Aaron Warner
Kameron Wilson


Mountain View High School Chamber Choir

Brett Taylor



Brooke Hendrickson
Aliya Jakeman
Makenzi Jennings
Serena Jeppson
Megan Kretschmer
Sarah Stewart
Madelyn Thompson
Sabrina Winters


Julianne Bush
Kristen Hendricks
Kate Holyoak !
Esther Keen !
Lillian McAllister
Mia Strauss
Amber Westover
Kristen Williams
Kamaryn Wood

! Choir Presidents


Judson Allsup
Tyler Blevins
Alex Guerrero
AJ Madison
Kai Magistro
Job Villamar
Carter Woodhouse
Josh Young


Brendan Campbell
Hunter Petty
Keegan Porter
X Roberts
Sam Stanley
Jonathan Thompson !
Garrett Whimpey
Jaden Willis


UVU Chamber Choir

Dr. Reed Criddle


Soprano 1

Emily Cheney
Sarah Fisher               
Taci Miner 
Sydney Pexton

Soprano 2

Megan Benson
Madison Obrien
Amy Shafer-Larsen *
Cristina Villalobos

alto 1

Maddy Barazoto 
Dixie Choque
Katherine Cox            
Cambrielle Wright

alto 2

Hannah Boyack !
Molly Flake
Katrina McNiven *
Brittney Stradling !

!   Choir presidents
+  Assistant conductor
*   Section leader

Tenor 1

Jared Constantine 
Anthony Ruiz 
Taesha Sau
Matt Watson +

Tenor 2

Travis Lunt *
Spencer Macdonald 
Jonathan Peterson
Jonah Walker

bass 1

Mark Forsyth
Ethan Garff
Andra Johnson
Brisen Turner

bass 2

Casey Copier 
Braden Johnson 
Talmage Ricks
Esera Mose *


UVU emerald singers

Sterling Keyes


Soprano 1

Anneka Andersen
Elise Anderson
Bryanna Camacho
Chaylee Coston
Kate Baggitas
Lauren Hatch
Linnea Miner Mott
Lily Peterson
Bethany Rasmussen
Kathrine Underwood
Sarah Warner

Soprano 2

Kirsten Allen
Kezia Bird
Esther Boswell
Hope Fager
Delaney Johns 
Abigail Johnson
Isabella Johnson
Hailey Maxfield
Aimee Mills
Charlee Sorensen
Micah Thompson
Maridenne Williams

alto 1

Tori Anderson
Kayli Bennett
Sylvie Butterfield
Alexandria Cartmill
Emma Christensen
Miriam Ellis
Kyra Gutierrez
Samantha Hyland
Emma Joos
Mallory Keele
April MB Lewis
Karli Moss
Rayanne Taylor

alto 2

Bridget Beal
Laura Beattie
Kylie Campbell
Caysi Keller
Isabelle Lewis
Lisa Lilly
Gwennyth Martin
Katrina McNiven
Vanessa Melena
Marlie Root
Elizabeth Smith
Kate Walker


Coming Soon
The Noorda

    School of the Arts


    Land Acknowledgment

    Utah Valley University acknowledges that we gather on land sacred to all Indigenous people who came before us in this vast crossroads region. The University is committed to working in partnership—as enacted through education and community activities—with Utah’s Native Nations comprising: the San Juan Southern Paiute, Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, Uintah & Ouray Reservation of the Northern Ute, Skull Valley Goshute, Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation, Northwestern Band of Shoshone Nation, Hopi Tribe, Navajo Nation, Ute Mountain Ute-White Mesa Community, and urban Indian communities. We recognize these Native Nations and their continued connections with traditional homelands, mountains, rivers, and lakes as well as their sovereign relationships with state and federal governments. We honor their collective memory and continued physical and spiritual presence. We revere their resilience and example in preserving their connections to the Creator and to all their relations, now and in the future.

    With this statement comes responsibility and accountability. We resolve to follow up with actionable items to make the School of the Arts at UVU and The Noorda Center for the Performing Arts an inclusive, equitable, and just space for all. There is much work to be done, and we are committed to putting these words into practice.


    Department Chair

    Administrative Assistant


    Chamber Choir/Deep Green

    Emerald Singers

    Concert Choir

    Opera Coordinator

    Voice Coordinator


    Private Voice Instructors