October 13, 2021 | 7:00 PM
Hilary Demske
Die Wetterfahne
Das Wirtshaus
Isaac Hurtado
Winterreise Fantasy
Die Wetterfahne
Der Lindenbaum
Die Krähe
Der stürmische Morgen
Der Wegweiser
Das Wirtshaus
Der Leiermann
(Wilhem Müller, Translation by Celia A. Sgroi)
Die Wetterfahne
(The Weather Vane)
The wind plays with the weathervane
On my lovely darling's house.
And I thought in my delusion,
That it mocked the poor fugitive.
He should have noticed sooner
The symbol displayed on the house,
So he wouldn't ever have expected
To find a faithful woman within.
The wind plays with the hearts inside
As it does on the roof, only not so loudly.
Why should they care about my grief?
Their child is a rich bride.
I search the snow in vain
For the trace of her steps.
Where she, arm in arm with me,
Crossed the green meadow.
I want to kiss the ground,
Penetrate ice and snow
With my hot tears,
Until I see the soil.
Where will I find a blossom,
Where will I find green grass?
The flowers are all dead,
The turf is so pale.
Shall then no momento
Accompany me from here?
When my pains cease,
Who will tell me of her then?
My heart is as if dead,
Her image frozen cold within;
If my heart ever thaws again,
Her image will also melt away!
Der Lindenbaum
(The Linden Tree)
At the well by the gate
There stands a linden tree;
I dreamed in its shadow
Many a sweet dream.
I carved in its bark
Many a word of love;
In joy and in sorrow
I was always drawn to it.
Again today I had to travel
Past it in the depths of night.
There even in the darkness
I closed my eyes.
And its branches rustled,
As if they called to me:
Come here to me, friend,
Here you'll find peace!
The cold winds blew
Right into my face;
The hat flew off my head,
I didn't turn around.
Now I am many hours
Distant from that place,
And I still hear it whispering:
You'd find peace here!
(A Look Backward)
It burns under both my feet,
Even though I walk on ice and snow;
I don't want to catch my breath
Until I can no longer see the spires.
I tripped on every stone,
As I hurried out of the town;
The crows hurled chunks of snow and ice
On my hat from every house.
How differently you received me,
You town of inconstancy!
At your sparkling windows sang
The lark and nightingale in competition.
The bushy linden trees bloomed,
The clear streams murmured brightly,
And, oh, two maiden's eyes glowed -
Your fate was sealed, my boy!
Whenever that day enters my thoughts,
I want to look back once more,
I want to turn back again
And stand still before her house.
(Will o’the Wisp)
Into the deepest mountain chasms
A will o' the wisp lured me;
How to find a way out
Doesn't worry me much.
I'm used to going astray,
And every way leads to the goal.
Our joys, our sorrows,
Are all a will o' the wisp's game!
Through the mountain stream's dry channel
I wend my way calmly downward.
Every river finds its way to the ocean,
And every sorrow to its grave.
Die Krähe
(The Crow)
A crow has accompanied me
Since I left the town,
Until today, as ever,
It has circled over my head.
Crow, you strange creature,
Won't you ever leave me?
Do you plan soon as booty
To have my carcase?
Well, I won't be much longer
Wandering on the road.
Crow, let me finally see
Loyalty unto the grave!
Der stürmische Morgen
(The Stormy Morning)
How the storm has torn asunder
The heavens' grey cover!
The cloud tatters flutter
Around in weary strife.
And fiery red flames
Dart around among them;
That's what I call a morning
That really fits my mood!
My heart sees in the heavens
Its own image painted -
It's nothing but the winter,
Winter cold and wild!
Der Wegweiser
(The Sign Post)
Why then do I avoid the highways
Where the other travelers go,
Search out the hidden pathways
Through the snowy mountain tops?
I've committed no crime
That I should hide from other men -
What is the foolish compulsion
That drives me into desolation?
Signposts stand along the highways
Pointing to the cities,
And I wander ever further
Without rest and look for rest.
Before me I see a signpost standing
Fixed before my gaze.
I must travel a road
From which no one ever returned.
Das Wirtshaus
(The Inn)
My way has led me to a graveyard;
Here I'll stop, I told myself.
You green mourning garlands must be the sign
That invites weary travelers into the cool inn.
What, all the rooms in this house are full?
I'm tired enough to drop, have taken mortal hurt.
Oh, merciless inn, you turn me away?
Well, onward then, still further, my loyal walking staff!
If the snow flies in my face,
I shake it off again.
When my heart speaks in my breast,
I sing loudly and gaily.
I don't hear what it says to me,
I have no ears to listen;
I don't feel when it laments,
Complaining is for fools.
Happy through the world along
Facing wind and weather!
If there's no God upon the earth,
Then we ourselves are Gods!
Die Nebensonnen
(The False Suns)
I saw three suns in the sky,
Stared at them hard for a long time;
And they stayed there so stubbornly
That it seemed they didn't want to leave me.
Ah, you are not my suns!
Go, look into someone else's face!
Yes, recently I, too, had three
But now the best two have gone down.
If only the third would also set!
I will feel better in the dark.
Der Leiermann
(The Hurdy-Gurdy Man)
Over there beyond the village
Stands an organ-grinder,
And with numb fingers
He plays as best he can.
Barefoot on the ice,
He totters here and there,
And his little plate
Is always empty.
No one listens to him,
No one notices him,
And the dogs growl
Around the old man.
And he just lets it happen,
As it will,
Plays, and his hurdy-gurdy
Is never still.
Strange old man,
Shall I go with you?
Will you play your organ
To my songs?
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