January 2024

January 2024

Welcome to a New Year and a New Semester!

Winter always seems an unusual time to celebrate new beginnings - it's cold and dark and our internal circadian clock wants to slow down. Yet just because we might be resting, doesn't mean that nothing is happening. For instance, most gardeners can't plant in the winter, but they do plan. And before we take action on an idea, we let it build and develop in our minds. On the outside, we may not seem to be taking action, but the seeds of an idea have been planted and are germinating, so that when conditions are right, we are ready for the next step.

When it comes to engaging in the sustainability landscape, it can feel overwhelming. The upside, however, is that no matter your interest, there is something for you. This winter, here are a few ways you might plant some metaphorical seeds:

Campus Operations - Maybe you want to learn a bit more about how the campus operates. There are hundreds of dedicated professionals working hard to make campus a comfortable, welcoming place and improve environmental sustainability. The Campus Sustainability Tour Series might be the right fit for you. (See next section titled "Campus Sustainability Tour Series: Fall Highlight & Spring Semester Schedule.")  

Academics - Or maybe you want to take a class and learn what researchers are discovering, both locally and beyond. Or how to apply sustainability principles to business, government, healthcare, etc. It's not too late to add classes. Check out our list of sustainability-related courses. There is also a sustainability-centered study abroad to Netherlands, France, and Spain in May; the application deadline is February 1st.

Community & Culture - If you like to connect with others, perhaps in a campus club, consider an activity for Earth Month in April - maybe a hike, a documentary screening, a litter clean-up, a book club selection and discussion, an earth-themed slam-poetry night, a fundraiser, a group bike ride, a group UTA ride to a fun destination, or even, yes, a seed-planting activity.

Campus Sustainability Tour Series: Fall Highlight & Spring Semester Schedule

Fall semester 2023, UVU Sustainability launched the inaugural Campus Sustainability Tour Series. Each month, we get a behind-the-scenes look at different parts of the campus ecosystem, and how dedicated professionals are working to make UVU even greener! This one-minute video below features scenes from last semester's events where we learned about the campus gardens, landscaping and irrigation, recycling and waste reduction, and a UVX group ride to the climate exhibit at BYU's Bean Life Science Museum). Come join us for this semester's events!

January 25 - Energy: Geothermal and Efficiency, UVU Facilities-Central Plant

February 22 - Composting, UVU Grounds

March 21 - Outdoor Recreation, UVU Outdoor Adventure Center

April 9 - 3rd Annual Sustainability Summit & Full Campus Tour


New Hire: Sustainability Outreach Program Manager

by Sarah Rasmussen Bateman

Happy New Year, Utah Valley University!

I have been a pseudo-Wolverine for a few years - volunteering on committees (since 2017) and working part-time (since August 2022), so I am delighted and honored to step into this new position full-time!

Here's some of my story:

I was a stay-at-home mom for 19 years, with the last decade-plus volunteering within my community and advocating for environmental sustainability (started out focusing on low-waste living). I created sustainability-related events and research projects at my children’s elementary school, established a citizen Natural Resources Stewardship Committee within the Orem City government, served as a City liaison on the UVU Sustainability Committee and other community committees, and organized the Utah County Sustainability Coalition.

My advocacy work faced some hurdles, however. Words like “environment” and “sustainability” have some political baggage in Utah, and conversations about the environment/climate can range from hopeful to hostile. Those experiences inspired my focus, more specifically, on the educational- and diplomacy side of sustainability - normalizing discussions about the environment and identifying common values upon which to build.

I knew that I would eventually want to augment my field experience with a formal graduate degree to improve my employability. My children were getting older and I knew a full-time career was in my future. The summer of 2021, I returned to school (after over 20 years away!) and dedicated the next two years to my studies. This past summer 2023, I graduated from the University of Utah with a Master of Science in International Affairs and Global Enterprise, focusing on environmental diplomacy.

My job is to help tell the University’s sustainability story - as it pertains to campus operations, academics, and the community, both local and beyond. Universities are tasked with preparing students for meaningful work in the public, private, and academic sectors. Global trends emphasize increased need for climate- and sustainability literacy within all industries. It’s my job to help promote and facilitate sustainability understanding for UVU students (and beyond!), no matter their chosen field of study, to better prepare them for the workforce and the world.

If you would like to connect, please reach out by email at [email protected] or phone at 801-863-8023.

Woman standing next to garbage bin and recycling bin

PHOTO: I started out my sustainability journey addressing waste. This is me standing next to a "pay-as-you-throw" model of waste/recycling - you select the size/cost of bin you need - instead of one size/cost. This model incentivizes waste reduction.

Upcoming Events


10 - Open Lands Summit (hosted by Conserve Utah Valley), 6:00-8:00 p.m., Spanish Fork Library

16 - Utah Legislature begins (General Session)

25 - Campus Tour Series: ENERGY - 12:00-12:50 p.m., meet on the first floor of the Keller Building (KB) by the elevators


22 - Campus Tour Series: COMPOSTING - 12:00-12:50 p.m.


1 - Utah Legislature ends

21 - Campus Tour Series: OUTDOOR RECREATION - 12:00-12:50 p.m.

21-22 - Intermountain Sustainability Summit, Weber State University

April (Earth Month)

9 - 3rd Annual UVU Sustainability Summit - 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Clarke Building (CB) 510-511

Ongoing events at UVU:

Really Really Free Market (monthly) - UVU Office for Global Engagement

Outdoor Adventure Center

National and Global

Feb 2 - World Wetlands Day     |     Mar 3 - World Wildlife Day     |     Mar 8 - Solar Appreciation Day (2nd Friday annually)     |     Mar 13 - Earth Overshoot Day for the USA     |     14 - International Day of Action for Rivers     |     Mar 15 - World Consumer Rights Day     |     Mar 18 - Global Recycling Day     |     Mar 19 - Spring Equinox     |     Mar 20 - International Day of Happiness     |     Mar 21 - World Planting Day     |     Mar 21 - International Day of Forests     |     Mar 22 - World Water Day     |     Mar 23 - World Meteorological Day     |     Mar 30 - Earth Hour (last Saturday in March) - 8:30-9:30 p.m., local time     |   Apr  8 - Total Solar Eclipse (learn more at this link)     |     Apr 22 - Earth Day     |     Apr 27 - Arbor Day

Career Resources

In the News