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Environmental Science and Management, B.S.

Environmental Science is the study of the Earth’s surface, including its water and atmosphere, with a particular focus on their relationship to humans and other living things. Environmental Science applies chemistry, physics, mathematics and biology to answer questions about the Earth and its interrelationships with living things. Environmental Management focuses on the maintenance of environmental resources, for example water resources. Environmental scientists may conduct studies in the field, in the laboratory using advanced analytical equipment, and in the office using specialized computer software. The program is preparation for a variety of career paths, including water monitoring, treatment, and pollution control with local, state or federal agencies; environmental consulting with private industry; and other careers that draw on a background in the natural sciences, including law, public policy, and public health.

Environmental Science and Management, Minor

Environmental science is the study of the Earth’s surface, including its water and atmosphere, with a particular focus on their relationship to humans and other living things. Environmental science applies chemistry, physics, mathematics, and biology to answer questions about the Earth and its interrelationships with living things. Environmental management focuses on the maintenance of environmental resources, for example water resources. Environmental scientists may conduct studies in the field, in the laboratory using advanced analytical equipment, and in the office using specialized computer software. The program is preparation for a variety of career paths, including water monitoring, treatment, and pollution control with local, state, or federal agencies; environmental consulting with private industry; and other careers that draw on a background in the
natural sciences, including law, public policy, and public health.

Environmental Studies, B.S. (*NEW* - Fall 2023)

The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the complex relationships between humans and the natural world. The program equips students with the skills and perspectives from physical science, social science, and the humanities needed to address pressing environmental challenges and discover viable solutions. The program also helps students gain an understanding of ethical considerations and sustainability principles, enabling them to approach environmental issues from a socially responsible perspective. The program offers flexibility and prepares students for a wide array of career paths in environmental policy, advocacy, education, research, sustainability consulting, and non-profit organizations.

Environmental Studies, Minor

Environmental Studies explores the complex links between human culture and the natural world. The program challenges students to critically examine both the ecological and social context of environmental issues and the numerous connections between natural and social systems, from local to global scales. It is undeniable that humans have a profound impact on the environment. To have the greatest positive influence, we must seek knowledge of the structure and function of natural systems, as well as an understanding of how culture affects the way we perceive nature.


Two students sitting in a classroom

In addition to the above programs, UVU is dedicated to promoting environmental education and cooperation within its course catalog. The university offers a variety of sustainability-focused courses as part of a well-rounded curriculum.

The following is a list of different sustainability-related and sustainability-focused courses offered at UVU.

NOTE: Courses offered Fall semester 2024 are marked with an asterisk (*) and bolded.


  • *AIST 3600 - American Indian Policy and Tribal Government



  • ANTH 3150 - Culture Ecology and Health
  • ANTH 3660 - Globalized Society



  • ARC 3220 - Passive Environmental Systems
  • ARC 3230 - Global History of Architecture to 1700
  • *ARC 4120 - Active Environmental Systems
  • *ARC 4130 - Global History of Architecture Since 1700
  • ARC 4220 - Building Envelope and Science

ARC course descriptions


  • AUT 2250 - Electronic Fuel Management Systems

AUT course descriptions


  • *BIOL 202R (Cross-listed with: GEO 202R) - Science Excursion
  • BIOL 204R (Cross-listed with: GEO 204R) - Natural History Excursion
  • BIOL 2070 (Cross-listed with: GEO 2070) - Desert Natural History
  • BIOL 2500 - Environmental Biology
  • BIOL 3070 (Cross-listed with: GEO 3070) - Advanced Desert Natural History
  • *BIOL 3700 - General Ecology
  • BIOL 3705 - General Ecology Laboratory
  • BIOL 3800 - Conservation Biology

BIOL course descriptions


  • BOT 3800 - Ethnobotany
  • *BOT 4050 - Plant Ecology
  • *BOT 4055 - Plant Ecology Laboratory
  • *BOT 4300 - Native Trees and Shrubs of Utah
  • BOT 4800 - Plant-Herbivore Interaction

BOT course descriptions


  • *CHEM 3020 - Environmental Chemistry
  • CHEM 3025 - Environmental Chemistry Laboratory
  • CHEM 3800 (Cross-listed with: ENVT 3800, PHYS 3800) - Energy Use on Earth

CHEM course descriptions


  • *CIVE 3010 - Introduction to Transportation Engineering
  • CIVE 3610 - Environmental Engineering
  • *CIVE 4310 - Storm Water Management
  • CIVE 4610 - Water and Wastewater

CIVE course descriptions


  • *CMGT 3090 - Principles of Hydrology in Construction Management
  • *CMGT 405G - Global Sustainability and the Built Environment

CMGT course descriptions


  • *COMM 3115 - Communicating in Environments
  • COMM 3130 - The Culture of Nature and Technology

COMM course descriptions


  • ECON 3040 - Environmental Economics

ECON course descriptions


  • ES 1150 - Introduction to Emergency and Disaster Management
  • ES 2220 - Resiliency and Vulnerability in Crises


  • ENGL 3460 - Wilderness and Environmental Writing

ENGL course descriptions


  • ENST 3000 - Introduction to Environmental Studies
  • ENST 3100 - Environmental Justice
  • ENST 3520 (Cross-listed with: SOC 3520) - Environmental Sociology
  • ENST 490R - Topics in Environmental Studies

ENST course descriptions


  • ENVT 1110 - Introduction to Environmental Management
  • ENVT 1270 - Environmental Microbiology
  • ENVT 1300 - Environmental Lab and Sampling
  • ENVT 1510 - Hazardous Materials Emergency Response
  • ENVT 2560 - Environmental Health
  • ENVT 2710 - Environmental Careers
  • ENVT 2730 - Introduction to Soils
  • ENVT 282R - Environmental Internship
  • ENVT 3010 - Environmental Toxicology
  • ENVT 3210 - Water Quality and Reclamation
  • ENVT 3280 - Environmental Law
  • ENVT 3290 - Environmental Permits and Reports
  • ENVT 3320 - Hydraulics of Water
  • ENVT 3330 - Water Resources Management
  • ENVT 3530 - Environmental Management Systems
  • ENVT 3550 - Site Investigation
  • ENVT 3600 - Appropriate Technology and Sustainable Development for the Developing World
  • ENVT 3630 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
  • ENVT 3700 - Current Topics in Environmental Management
  • ENVT 3750 - Land Use Planning
  • ENVT 3770 - Natural Resources Management
  • ENVT 3790 - Applied Hydrology
  • ENVT 3800  (Cross-listed with: CHEM 3800, PHYS 3800) - Energy Use on Earth
  • ENVT 3850 - Environmental Policy
  • ENVT 482R  (Cross-listed with: GEO 482R) - Geologic Environmental Internship
  • ENVT 495R - Special Projects in Environmental Management

ENVT course descriptions


  • GEOG 1000 - Introduction to Physical Geography
  • GEOG 1005 - Introduction to Physical Geography Lab
  • GEOG 130G - Survey of World Geography
  • GEOG 140G - Introduction to Human Geography
  • GEOG 1800 - Mapping the World with Geospatial Technology
  • GEOG 2000 - Sustainability and Environment
  • GEOG 2100- Geography of the United States
  • GEOG 2200 - Geography of Europe
  • GEOG 2500 - Geography of Latin America and the Caribbean
  • GEOG 3000 - Climate Change in Science and Society
  • GEOG 3010 - Economic Geography
  • GEOG 3110 - Urban Geography
  • GEOG 3200 - Geography of Utah
  • GEOG 3300 - Biogeography
  • GEOG 3350 - Geography of Africa
  • GEOG 3400 - Environmental Remote Sensing
  • GEOG 3500  (Cross-listed with: GEO 3500) - Geomorphology
  • GEOG 3600 (Cross-listed with: ENVT 3650, GIS 3600) - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
  • GEOG 3700 - Wetland Studies
  • GEOG 3705 - Wetland Studies Laboratory
  • GEOG 3800  (Cross-listed with: HIST 3800) - Environmental History of the United States



  • GEO 1030 - Natural Disasters and the Environment
  • GEO 202R (Cross-listed with: BIOL 202R) - Science Excursion
  • GEO 204R (Cross-listed with: BIOL 204R) - Natural History Excursion
  • GEO 2070 (Cross-listed with: BIOL 2070) - Desert Natural History
  • GEO 3000 - Environmental Geochemistry
  • GEO 3070 (Cross-listed with: BIOL 3070) - Advanced Desert Natural History
  • GEO 3500  (Cross-listed with: GEOG 3500) - Geomorphology
  • GEO 482R  (Cross-listed with: ENVT 482R) - Geologic Environmental Internship

GEO course descriptions


  • GIS 3640 - Thematic Mapping Environmental Impacts
  • GIS 3650 - Thematic Mapping Culture and Societies

GIS course descriptions


  • HIST 323G - History of the American West since 1850
  • HIST 3800  (Cross-listed with: GEOG 3800) - Environmental History of the United States
  • HIST 466G - Legacies and Reckonings in the American West

HIST course descriptions


  • *HLTH 3200 - Principles of Community Health
  • *HLTH 3450 - Public Health and the Environment

HLTH course descriptions


  • HM 320G - Global Tourism

HM course descriptions


  • HUM 2200 - Adventures of Ideas After 1500
  • HUM 220H - Adventures of Ideas After 1500 (Honors)
  • HUM 4300  (Cross-listed with: PHIL 4300) - Environmental Aesthetics

HUM course descriptions


  • METO 3100 - Climate and the Earth System

METO course descriptions


  • MGMT 3020 - Individual Action and Corporate Social Responsibility

MGMT course descriptions


  • NURS 4320 - Nursing in the Community
  • NURS 4325 - Nursing in the Community Clinical

NURS course descriptions


  • PHIL 3530 - Environmental Ethics
  • PHIL 4300  (Cross-listed with: HUM 4300) - Environmental Aesthetics

PHIL course descriptions


  • PHYS 1800 - Energy You and the Environment
  • PHYS 3800  (Cross-listed with: CHEM 3800, ENVT 3800) - Energy Use on Earth

PHYS course descriptions


  • PJST 3000 - Introduction to Peace and Justice Studies
  • PJST 3100 - Introduction to Human Security
  • PJST 3300 - Community Development

PJST course descriptions


  • POLS 3310 - Introduction to Public Policy
  • POLS 3320 - Nonprofits and The Public Sector
  • POLS 3330 - Environmental Politics and Policy
  • POLS 3390 - Urban Planning
  • POLS 3410 - Globalization and Sustainable Development
  • POLS 3610 - International Organization
  • POLS 3630 - Sustainable Mountain Development
  • POLS 3640 -United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • POLS 4610 - International Law

POLS course descriptions


  • REC 2500 - Introduction to Adventure Recreation
  • REC 2600 - Principles of Outdoor Adventure Education
  • REC 2700 - Leave No Trace Trainer
  • REC 3700 - Natural Resource Interpretation
  • REC 385G - Ethical Concerns in Recreation
  • REC 4400 -Natural Resource and Protected Area Management
  • REC 4500 - Wildland Recreation Behavior

REC course descriptions


  • SOC 3520  (Cross-listed with: ENST 3520) - Environmental Sociology
  • SOC 3700 - Social Inequality

SOC course descriptions


  • SW 3510 - Global Social Work

SW course descriptions