Faculty Resources

Learn about Supplemental Instruction (SI) and how it can help you and your students. Apply for your course to be supported by supplemental instruction, learn statistics about the program, or include us in your syllabus.

students looking through a notebook

History & Vital Information

The Supplemental Instruction (SI) program was created by Deanna Martin at the University of Missouri-Kansas City in 1974. In 1995, the Department of Education validated the claim that “Students participating in SI within the targeted high-risk courses earn higher mean final course grades than students who do not participate in SI,” even when controlled for other demographic factors. Students around the world have found success with SI for decades.

students huddled around a desk

The SI Advantage

Students who participate in SI receive a guided review of course content by an SI Leader – a fellow student who has taken and excelled in the class. SI Leaders will attend your course and hold separate SI sessions, making them an approachable resource for students. The sessions consist of course content review and various related exercises to increase content retention and understanding. SI Leaders receive regular training on techniques for leading these sessions, as well as study skills to impart to students.

Apply for Supplemental Instruction For Your Class

Is there a course you think could benefit from SI? Or looking to add your section to one of our existing covered courses? Let us know.

Syllabus Statement

This course is supported by the Supplemental Instruction (SI) program, which provides students with study sessions hosted by a SI Leader. SI Leaders are students who have had prior success with this course and are trained to help you learn course content and develop study strategies.

Your SI Leader will host 3 optional SI sessions per week, times and locations of which will be announced in class and/or on Canvas. SI sessions consist of content review and activities designed to reinforce course concepts. The SI Leader will not give answers to homework, quizzes, or take-home exams, but will offer occasional test reviews.

Please see your professor if you have questions regarding SI integration in your class, or contact Supplemental Instruction by emailing Aubrey Ryan (Coordinator of SI) at [email protected], or visit the website at www.uvu.edu/supplemental-instruction/.

Recommend An SI Leader

Do you know a student who’s ready to be an SI Leader? We hire every semester. Search “SI Leader” on uvu.jobs, or contact SI Coordinator Aubrey Ryan at [email protected].