Service Learning

Center for Social Impact    /    What We Do     /    Service Learning

What is Service Learning?

At Utah Valley University, service-learning is a high-impact teaching and learning strategy that connects classroom learning with real-world community needs. Through our institutional partnership with the Innovation Academy, the Center for Social Impact provides faculty with the resources and support to incorporate service-learning into their courses.

Course List

There are dozens of service-learning opportunities at UVU where students can receive social impact education related to their discipline. Review the full list of designated service-learning courses and sections for the current semester.

Faculty Development

The Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) offers two Service-Learning trainings for faculty. Sign up for Service-Learning Tier I training to learn how to design and teach service-learning courses through the lenses of Roles, Relevance, Reciprocity, Reflection, Risk Management, and Reporting.

Sign up for Tier II to take a deeper dive into incorporating social impact strategy frameworks within your service-learning courses and practice.

Additionally, join our Learning Circle and Community of Practice to join other faculty on their service-learning and social impact journeys. Reach out to Dr. Jonathan Westover at to learn more.

Finally, a variety of grants are available to fund your service-learning or social impact related research and teaching projects. These include High-Impact Grants and Service-Learning Mini Grants. Please reach out to Dr. Jonathan Westover at to learn more.

UVU Faculty participating in service learning training

Designate a Course or Department

To officially designate a course or department as service-learning, please contact Dr. Jonathan Westover at . Dr. Westover will discuss appropriate course development and redesign related to the elements in the Service-Learning Quality Assessment Tool (SLQAT).

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