FALL 2025

Last Update: 1/24/2025


Faculty Return Wed. Aug. 13
Holiday - Labor Day Mon. Sep. 1
Class Change Financial Aid Deadline1 Wed. Sep. 10

*Tuition/Fees Payment Deadline (Online Payments due by 11:59 p.m. MT)2

(Students with unpaid balances may be charged a late fee if not paid by the deadline)

Wed. Sep. 17
*Tuition Late Fee Begins3 Thu. Sep. 18
Fall Break (students) Thu.-Sat. Oct. 16-18
Holiday - Thanksgiving Break (students) Mon.-Sat. Nov. 24-29
Graduation Application Deadline for Fall Semester Sun. Nov. 30
Official Term End Date (See Full Semester, block, and weekend dates under Registration and Classes) Sat. Dec. 13
Holiday - December Holiday Closure (UVU closed) Wed.-Thu. Dec. 24-25

*These items are subject to change before the term begins.



Full Semester

First Block

Second Block

Full Sem.
First Block
Second Block
Admissions Application Opens Sun. Sep. 1, 2024 Sun. Sep. 1, 2024 Thu. Sep. 11
International Admissions Initial/Transfer Application Opens Mon. Mar. 3 N/A N/A
International Admissions Initial App Deadline Thu. May 1 N/A N/A
International Admissions Transfer App Deadline Tue. Jul. 1 N/A N/A
Admissions Application Deadline Fri. Aug. 1 Fri. Aug. 1 Thu. Oct. 2
Admissions Supplemental Items Deadline Fri. Aug. 15 Fri. Aug. 15 Wed. Oct. 8
Residency Application Closes Wed. Sep. 10 Wed. Sep. 10 Thu. Oct. 9
HB 144/HB 118 Application Deadline Wed. Sep. 10 Wed. Sep. 10 Thu. Oct. 9

Registration & Classes


Full Semester

First Block

Second Block

Weekend Classes

Full Sem.
1st Block
2nd Block
end Classes
Classes Begin Wed. Aug. 20 Wed. Aug. 20 Thu. Oct. 9 Fri.-Sat. Aug. 22-23
Waitlist Period and Open Registration Ends Tue. Aug. 26 Fri. Aug. 22 Mon. Oct. 13 Thu. Aug. 28

Late Add Begins4

(available through the last day of classes)

Wed. Aug. 27 Sat. Aug. 23 Tue. Oct. 14 Fri. Aug. 29

Last Day to Drop with a Refund

(dropped courses do not show on the transcript)

Wed. Sep. 10 Fri. Aug. 29 Mon. Oct. 20 Mon. Sep. 15
W Grade for Withdrawn Classes Begins Thu. Sep. 11 Sat. Aug. 30 Tue. Oct. 21 Tue. Sep. 16
Last Day to Withdraw/Audit Classes Tue. Oct. 28 Mon. Sep. 22 Mon. Nov. 17 Mon. Nov. 3
Classes End Fri. Dec. 5 Wed. Oct. 8 Fri. Dec. 5 Fri.-Sat. Dec. 12-13
Final Exams Mon.-Fri. Dec. 8-12 Wed. Oct. 8 Fri. Dec. 5 Fri.-Sat. Dec. 12-13
Session Ends Fri. Dec. 12 Wed. Oct. 8 Fri. Dec. 5 Fri.-Sat. Dec. 12-13
Final Grades Due From Faculty (all grades must be manually submitted in Banner) Wed. Dec. 17 Mon. Oct. 13 Wed. Dec. 10 Thu. Dec. 18
Final Grades Available Daily Daily Daily Daily

Fall Priority Registration

Begins at 7 a.m. on these days by credit hours earned:

Mon. Apr. 7 110+ credits
Tue. Apr. 8 100+ credits
Wed. Apr. 9 80+ credits
Thu. Apr. 10 60+ credits
Fri. Apr. 11 30+ credits
Mon. Apr. 14 15+ credits
Tue. Apr. 15 0+ credits

1Class Change Financial Aid Deadline

This is the last day to make any class schedule changes for the term and still have Federal Pell Grant adjusted for those changes (applies to all classes that take place during the semester).

2Payment Deadline

Students with outstanding balances not paid by the deadline may incur a Tuition Late Fee as detailed below (see Tuition/Fees Payment Deadline).

NOTE: Students can access their myUVU student portal at my.uvu.edu/student/paying to check their balance and make payment arrangements.

3Tuition Late Fee

Starting on this date, a 20% late fee (up to $200) is assessed weekly on all unpaid account balances.

4Late Add

As of this date, students wishing to add a class may do so with the permission of the class instructor (and the department chair in certain cases). In addition to normal tuition and fees, a $45 late registration fee will be assessed for each class added. Late add requests can be made online.