Workshops & Education

Visit department pages for specialized workshops and education:

Academic Affairs

The Office of Teaching and Learning provides resources for faculty. 

Employee Development (People & Culture)

People & Culture offers many employee development learning opportunities through UVULearn, LinkedIn Learning, and People Management Excellence training. Additionally, ongoing learning courses are offered for SafeHire, Preparing Position Descriptions, and Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation training (for leaders)

Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action offers training in Discrimination/Harrassment Prevention, Title IX/Sexual Misconduct, Consent, and Safe Dating (for students). Training is available to any university-affiliated groups for department meetings, faculty and staff meetings, student groups, housing partnerships, and academic classes.

Student Rights & Accountability

The office of Student Rights & Accountability offers training to students, faculty and staff through four workshops that center the following: students of concern, academic integrity, conflict resolution, and student group risk management.

Safety/Emergency Management

The Safety/Emergency Management office strives to create training opportunities to develop an understanding of relevant hazards — vehicle accidents, injuries, campus shooting, construction, industrial hygiene, etc. — and how to mitigate those hazards while on UVU campus.

Cultural Competency Workshops

The Cultural Competency Workshops are designed to help participants build caring relationships across Utah Valley University’s campus community by gaining the tools to improve self-reflection and awareness, communicate effectively across diverse cultures, fostering mutual respect, and promoting an inclusive campus.