Policy Pipeline Updates: Policy Actions Approved by President's Council, January 9, 2025

On January 9, 2025, President’s Council approved the following policy actions:

Entrance to Stage 1

Policy 532 University Student Groups

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Michelle Kearns
Policy Stewards Alexis Palmer
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 1 
Policy Document Stage 1 Draft


Who does this apply to? Students and faculty and staff working with student clubs and competitive sports

What is being added in this policy? This policy is being revised to include competitive sports and further explain clubs' fidiciary responsibility. This includes the following changes:

  • Define competitive sports similarly to other student organizations.
  • Include fiduciary responsibility language stating that clubs and competitive sports
    • cannot use UVU's name, tax ID, or banking information for travel, contracts, or fundraising
    • may fundraise with prior approval 
    • must manage funds in a commercial bank account under their own name
    • must ethically manage finances and maintain documentation

Now that this policy is in Stage 1, what does this mean for me? If you have comments or concerns, contact the Policy Office or the steward. 


Entrance to Stage 2

Policy 548 Academic Rights and Responsibilities of Healthcare and Counseling Clinical Program Students

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Wayne Vaught
Policy Stewards Allison Ensign
Policy Actions Revision—Limited Scope
President's Council Action Entrance to Stages 1 and 2 
Policy Document Stage 2 Draft


Who does this apply to? Students, faculty, and staff involved in academic sanctions for students in clinical programs

What is being revised in this policy? The limited scope changes will 

  • update the name of “Office of Student Conduct” to “Office of Student Rights and Accountability”
  • align the definition of “arbitrary or capricious” with the definition in UVU Policy 646
  • clarify that a designee can consider student appeals of academic sanctions in place of a program director when the program director was involved in the initial academic sanction decision
  • modify the right of students to appeal an academic sanction of probation to one level of written appeal instead of two

Now that this policy is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? If you have comments or concerns, contact your senator. Stage 2 ends March 6.


Entrance to Stage 3

Policy 512 Administration of Scholarships and Other Payments to Students

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Kyle Reyes
Policy Stewards Andrew Stone
Policy Actions Revision—Limited Scope
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 3
Policy Document Stage 3 Draft


Who does this apply to? Not applicable—the revisions involve updates to names of groups

What is being revised in this policy? Part of this policy explains the role and structure of the University Scholarship Committee (USC). When the policy was first implemented, the Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management chaired this committee. It is now chaired by the Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Therefore, that section of the policy needs to be updated, along with the name of student government, and the deletion of “Student Success and Retention,” which no longer exists.

Now that this policy is in Stage 3, what does this mean for me? If you have comments or concerns, contact the policy steward or Policy Office. Stage 3 ends January 16.


Entrance to Stage 4

Policy 116 Student Communications

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Michelle Kearns
Policy Stewards Derek Kent
Policy Actions New
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 4 
Policy Document Stage 4 Draft


Who does this apply to? Students and faculty and staff working with student clubs and competitive sports

What is in this new policy? This new policy will

  • identify and define the purpose of communication channels used by the institution to communicate with students;
  • establish foundations of best practices for one‐to‐many communications with students; and
  • provide structure and framework to implement adaptable guidelines. 

Now that this policy is in Stage 4, what does this mean for me? This policy will go into effect on January 30, 2025, once approved by the Board of Trustees. 


Policy 105 Reporting Organizational Changes

Policy 322 Employment Responsibilities and Standards

Policy 353 Group Healthcare Coverage for Benefit-Eligible Employees

Policy 374 Termination Clearance for Hourly Employees

Policy 375 Termination Clearance for Salaried Employees

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Marilyn Meyer
Policy Stewards Drew Burke
Policy Actions Deletion
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 4 
Policy Document Policy 105, Policy 322, Policy 353, Policy 374, Policy 375


Who does this apply to? Employees

What is being revised in this policy? These policies are being deleted for the following reasons: 

  • The policy or significant parts are outdated or no longer relevant.
  • The policy duplicates other existing policies.
  • Amended or new laws or regulations have rendered the policy unnecessary, obsolete, or redundant.
  • The policy lacks legitimate regulatory or university-related academic or business reasons to exist in policy, and current university procedures or practices render the policy unnecessary.

Now that this policy is in Stage 4, what does this mean for me? Upon Board of Trustees' approval on January 30, 2025, these policies will be deleted from the Policy Manual.


Policy 609 Academic Scheduling

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Wayne Vaught
Policy Stewards Laurie Sharp
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 4 
Policy Document Stage 4 Draft


Who does this apply to? Employees involved with academic scheduling

What is in this new policy? Revisions were made in response to feedback from the Academic Scheduling Office, the Academic Affairs Council, and the Faculty Senate, ensuring the policy reflects input from key academic stakeholders. The following key revisions were made:

  • Provided clarification on how and why departments and programs would have or lose priority access to classrooms and labs
  • Indicated that high-impact course section changes will only be considered under extenuating circumstances
  • Clarified that the Academic Scheduling Office manages final exam scheduling decisions
  • Clarified that faculty and staff shall not change schedule type codes for course sections once a semester schedule becomes visible for student planning and registration
  • Clarified that the Academic Scheduling Office may also modify general classroom assignments when actual enrollment does not meet sufficient enrollment for the classroom size
  • Explained in more detail how final exam schedules are managed and when or if changes can be made

Now that this policy is in Stage 4, what does this mean for me? Upon Board of Trustees' approval on January 30, 2025, all employees involved with academic scheduling will need to comply with this policy. 

For questions or comments regarding any of the above actions, contact the policy sponsor or steward(s) listed, or contact the Policy Office. To learn more about the policy approval process at UVU, visit the Policy Office's Policy Process webpage.

Please note that some of the above links may become outdated or broken as the policy drafts progress through the policy approval process, or are approved for adoption to or deletion from the Policy Manual. For the most up-to-date status regarding a policy or proposed policy draft, see the Policy Manual and Policy Approval Pipeline pages. To request a previous version of a policy or policy draft or for addition questions, contact the Policy Office.