On October 24, 2024, President’s Council approved the following policy actions:
Entrance to Stage 1
Policy 232 Honorary and Gift-Based Namings
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Kyle Reyes |
Policy Stewards | Melanie Lafranca |
Policy Actions | Revision |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 1 |
Pipeline Draft | Executive Summary |
Who does this apply to? Those involved in donations and the naming of facilities and programs
What is being revised in this policy? The following changes are being made to the existing policy:
- Clubs will be removed from the policy because how they are overseen and managed has changed and will likely continue to change according to relative demands.
- A provision will be added that when space-naming agreements are signed, there should always be representation from UVU Foundation.
- Other entities than Athletics will be allowed to engage in term-limited namings.
- It will be indicated who pays for signage.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 1, what does this mean for me? If you have comments or concerns, contact the Policy Office or the steward.
Policy 522 Undergraduate Credit and Transcripts
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Michelle Kearns |
Policy Stewards | Laurie Sharp |
Policy Actions | Revision |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 1 |
Pipeline Draft | Executive Summary |
Who does this apply to? Students and faculty
What are the revisions to the policy? The current policy does not align with USHE policy (R401 and R402) and must be updated to align with these standards. Some of these changes include changing the nomenclature for certificates, revising the credit requirements for specific programs, and instituting a new program category. Other changes include possibly reducing the number of upper-division credits required for 90-credit bachelor's degrees from 40 to 30.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 1, what does this mean for me? If you have comments or concerns, contact the Policy Office or the steward.
Policy 638 Post-Tenure Review
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Wayne Vaught |
Policy Stewards | Kat Brown |
Policy Actions | New |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 1 |
Pipeline Draft | Executive Summary |
Who does this apply to? Faculty
What are the contents of this new policy? This policy is being created to comply with Utah State Law 53B-2-106.1, which requires UVU to implement a post-tenure review process for tenured faculty. This policy will do the following:
- Develop a faculty-driven process that is distinct from processes for tenure or promotion.
- Create a five-year review cycle for all tenured faculty.
- Implement a college level committee that includes faculty and the Provost or designee.
- Develop a review process.
- Create procedures for addressing performance deficiencies and potential dismissal.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 1, what does this mean for me? If you have comments or concerns, contact the Policy Office or the steward.
Information Item
Policy 712 Emergency Management has been withdrawn the policy from the regular policy process as Robin Ebmeyer, the steward, and her division policy coordinator determined there was no need for this policy; the University has an emergency plan in place.
For questions or comments regarding any of the above actions, contact the policy sponsor or steward(s) listed, or contact the Policy Office. To learn more about the policy approval process at UVU, visit the Policy Office's Policy Process webpage.
Please note that some of the above links may become outdated or broken as the policy drafts progress through the policy approval process, or are approved for adoption to or deletion from the Policy Manual. For the most up-to-date status regarding a policy or proposed policy draft, see the Policy Manual and Policy Approval Pipeline pages. To request a previous version of a policy or policy draft or for addition questions, contact the Policy Office.