Policy Pipeline Updates: Policy Actions Approved by President's Council, December 14, 2023

On December 14, 2023, President’s Council approved the following policy actions:

Policy 111 Academic Calendar (Deletion)

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Wayne Vaught
Policy Stewards Kat Brown
Policy Actions Deletion
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 1 and 2
Pipeline Draft Stage 2 Draft


Who does this apply to? All employees involved in the development of the academic calendar. 

Why is this being deleted? It's out of date and there is no need to document this process in policy.

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? If you have concerns about the deletion of this policy, contact your PACE, Faculty Senate, or UVUSA senator.


Policy 135 Copyright Materials (Deletion)

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Wayne Vaught
Policy Stewards Kat Brown
Policy Actions Deletion
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 1 and 2
Pipeline Draft Stage 2 Draft


Who does this apply to? Employees and students

Why is this being deleted? Copyright is now covered under other university policies such as Policy 136 Intellectual Property.

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? If you have concerns about the deletion of this policy, contact your PACE, Faculty Senate, or UVUSA senator.  


Policy 503 Add/Drop/Withdraw

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Michelle Kearns
Policy Stewards Kyle Hicken
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 2
Pipeline Draft Stage 2 Draft


Who does this apply to? Faculty and students

What were the biggest revisions to the policy in Stage 1? The changes to the policy

  • Update the References section; 
  • Add important definitions to support terms in the policy;
  • Provide extensive clarification to the add/drop/withdraw procedure; and
  • Eliminate the requirement for a student to have chair approval to withdraw from a class.

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? This policy is now open for review by PACE, Faculty Senate, UVUSA, and Academic Affairs. If you have comments about the policy, contact your senator. Stage 2 will end March 1, 2024.


Policy 510 Graduate Admission and Continuation

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Michelle Kearns
Policy Stewards Jim Bailey, Kyle Hicken
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 2
Pipeline Draft Stage 2 Draft


Who does this apply to? Faculty and students

What were the biggest revisions to the policy in Stage 1? The changes to the policy addressed:

  • How to handle criminal background, drug use, and vaccination information that may be asked during the graduate admission process, especially for applicants applying to be clinical students who work with patients;
  • How to handle graduate applicants’ behavioral issues reported by other institutions of higher education;
  • TOEFL or IELTS requirement exemptions for student graduating from certain country where all instruction is provided in English;  and
  • Development of graduate admissions criteria for accelerated graduate admissions and combined master’s degree programs.

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? This policy is now open for review by PACE, Faculty Senate, UVUSA, and Academic Affairs. If you have comments about the policy, contact your senator. Stage 2 will end March 1, 2024.


Policy 522 Undergraduate Credit and Transcripts 

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Michelle Kearns
Policy Stewards Kyle Hicken
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 2
Pipeline Draft Stage 2 Draft


Who does this apply to? Employees and students

What were the biggest revisions to the policy in Stage 1? The changes to the policy 

  • Clarify and add definitions, adding “Institutional Certificates” as a degree type, modify policy surrounding a student’s ability to earn multiple academic associate degrees at UVU;
  • Clarify how dual majors work;
  • Clarify credits earned for language proficiency;
  • Modify policy related to internships applying to a certificate;
  • Replace “Academic Renewal” with student record adjustment and refund procedure;
  • Clarify acceptance of credits from “regionally” vs “nationally” accredited institutions; and
  • Remove “Repeats” section as this is already found in another.

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? This policy is now open for review by PACE, Faculty Senate, UVUSA, and Academic Affairs. If you have comments about the policy, contact your senator. Stage 2 will end March 1, 2024.


Policy 523 Grading

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Michelle Kearns
Policy Stewards Kyle Hicken
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 2
Pipeline Draft Stage 2 Draft


Who does this apply to? Faculty and students

What were the biggest revisions to the policy in Stage 1? The changes to the policy

  • Update information about the role of the Council of Academic Standards and update the name of the council in policy;
  • Move items currently in the Procedure section to the Definitions section;
  • Clarify procedure for student grade appeals;
  • Clarify use of “I” and “T” grades;
  • Clarify faculty Grade Change procedure and timing;
  • Discontinue the use of “E” grades and change to “F” grades;
  • Discontinue the use of “UW’”grades; and
  • Course Repeats: change from “latest grade” to “highest grade”.

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? This policy is now open for review by PACE, Faculty Senate, UVUSA, and Academic Affairs. If you have comments about the policy, contact your senator. Stage 2 will end March 1, 2024.


Policy 524 Graduate Program Credit and Graduation Requirements

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Michelle Kearns
Policy Stewards Kyle Hicken, Jim Bailey
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 2
Pipeline Draft Stage 2 Draft


Who does this apply to? Faculty and students

What were the biggest revisions to the policy in Stage 1? The changes to the policy

  • Clarify that the policy covers all graduate-level programs;
  • Update references to new policies and state guidance;
  • Simplify definitions;
  • Remove section 4.1 “Development of Graduate Program Requirements” which is covered in another policy;
  • Clarify relation to USHE Policies R401 and R470;
  • Remove section 4.4 “Graduate credit for experiential learning” which is covered in another policy'';
  • Address age and usability of earned credits;
  • Address agreements with recognized partner institutions;
  • Clarify roles of graduate director and program committees; and
  • Clarify transfer credit details.

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? This policy is now open for review by PACE, Faculty Senate, UVUSA, and Academic Affairs. If you have comments about the policy, contact your senator. Stage 2 will end March 1, 2024.


Policy 526 Student Record Adjustments

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Michelle Kearns
Policy Stewards Kyle Hicken
Policy Actions New
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 2
Pipeline Draft Stage 2 Draft


Who does this apply to? Students

What are the biggest additions to this new policy? This new policy outlines a process that allows a student to petition changes to their transcript based on personal, extenuating, and documented non-academic circumstances. This is process is in compliance with FERPA, which states that students have the right to request amendments to their education records.

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? This policy is now open for review by PACE, Faculty Senate, UVUSA, and Academic Affairs. If you have comments about the policy, contact your senator. Stage 2 will end March 1, 2024.


Policy 647 Faculty Grievance (Deletion)

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Wayne Vaught
Policy Stewards Kat Brown
Policy Actions Deletion
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 1 and 2
Pipeline Draft Stage 2 Draft


Who does this apply to? Faculty

Why is this being deleted? This policy is no longer needed. Most grievances typically fall under other UVU policies, including Policy 326 Workplace Conduct, which was updated last year.

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? If you have concerns about the deletion of this policy, contact your PACE, Faculty Senate, or UVUSA senator.  


Policy 658 Establishment and Administration of Graduate Programs

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Wayne Vaught
Policy Stewards Jim Bailey
Policy Actions Limited Scope Revisions
President's Council Action Entrance to Stages 1 and 2
Pipeline Draft Stage 2 Draft


Who does this apply to? Faculty and staff

What are the limited scope revisions? There are two problems that will be revised: (1) an equity issue (in section and (2) an accreditation issue (in section

Equity Concern:  The Equity Assessment Committee recommended adding “Ensure that graduate admissions committees utilize diversity principles when selecting committee members” into Policy 510, which would affect Policy 658. In Policy 658, section states that the elected graduate program committee serves as the graduate program’s admissions committee, which needs to be changed to "utilize diversity principles when selecting graduate admissions committee members."

Accreditation Issue:  Policy 658 currently requires graduate program directors to be elected by full-time graduate faculty. When specialized accreditation standards state specific requirements for graduate program directors, the proposed addition would allow a qualified graduate program director to be appointed. Without this proposed addition, graduate faculty could possibly elect a graduate program director who does not satisfy specialized accreditation requirements, which could jeopardize the program’s specialized accreditation. The Graduate Council recommended adding the proposed changes to section

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? This policy is now open for review by PACE, Faculty Senate, UVUSA, and Academic Affairs. If you have comments about the policy, contact your senator. Stage 2 will end March 1, 2024.




For questions or comments regarding any of the above actions, contact the policy sponsor or steward(s) listed, or contact the Policy Office. To learn more about the policy approval process at UVU, visit the Policy Office's Policy Process webpage.

Please note that some of the above links may become outdated or broken as the policy drafts progress through the policy approval process, or are approved for adoption to or deletion from the Policy Manual. For the most up-to-date status regarding a policy or proposed policy draft, see the Policy Manual and Policy Approval Pipeline pages. To request a previous version of a policy or policy draft or for addition questions, contact the Policy Office.