On Thursday, May 28, 2020, President's Council reviewed and approved the following policy actions:
—Regular Policy Approval Process—
Policies Approved to Enter Stage 1: Drafting/Revision
President's Council approved the following policies to enter Stage 1 of the regular policy approval process. During Stage 1, policy sponsors and stewards assemble a writing committee comprised of subject-matter experts and relevant university entities to draft a new policy or draft revisions to an existing policy. The executive summaries of Stage 1 policies (linked below) detail the proposed policy actions.
Policy 168 Complaints under the Utah Protection of Public Employees Act
Sponsor: Linda Makin
Stewards: Marilyn Meyer, Jeremy Knee
Process: Regular, new policy
» Policy 168 Executive Summary
Policy 366 Emeritus Status
Sponsor: Linda Makin
Steward: Marilyn Meyer
Process: Regular, revision
» Policy 366 Executive Summary
Policies Approved to Enter Stage 3: University Community Review
President's Council approved the following policies to enter Stage 3 of the regular policy approval process. Following Stage 2, in which university governance organizations review the proposed policy drafts and provide feedback, Stage 3 allots time for all individuals (including staff, faculty, students, and members of the public) to review the online policy draft and provide comments. To comment on Stage 3 policies, contact the relevant policy sponsor or steward listed below or contact the Policy Office. Stage 3 for these policies will end June 8, 2020.
Policy 102 University Governance Committees
Sponsor: Val Peterson
Stewards: Jacob Atkin, Sam Winterton
Process: Regular, revision
» Policy 102 Stage 3 Draft
Policy 165 Discrimination, Harassment, and Affirmative Action
Sponsor: Linda Makin
Stewards: Laura Carlson, Jeremy Knee
Process: Regular, revision
» Policy 165 Stage 3 Draft
Policy 605 Curriculum Approval
Sponsor: Anne Arendt
Stewards: Megan Densley, Sean Tolman
Process: Regular, revision
» Policy 605 Stage 3 Draft
Policies Approved to Enter Stage 4: Board of Trustees Review
President's Council approved the following policy to enter Stage 4 of the regular policy approval process. During Stage 4 the UVU Board of Trustees will review the proposed policy draft and may approve the policy or return it to an earlier stage for additional revisions. If approved, the policy is inserted into the Policy Manual and becomes effective.
Policy 357 Employees Tuition Remission
Sponsor: Linda Makin
Stewards: Judy Martindale
Process: Regular, revision
» Policy 357 Stage 4 Draft
To learn more about the regular policy approval process at UVU, visit our Policy Approval Processes webpage.
—Temporary Emergency Policy Process—
Policies Approved to Enter Stage 2: Board of Trustees Review
President's Council approved the following policies to enter Stage 2 of the temporary emergency policy approval process. In Stage 2 of the temporary emergency process, the UVU Board of Trustees will review the proposed policy drafts and may approve the policy or return it to Stage 1 for additional revisions. If approved, the policy is inserted into the Policy Manual and becomes effective. Policies approved under this process are temporary and may only remain in effect for up to a year.
Policy 104 Advisory Boards
Sponsor: Scott Cooksey
Steward: Melanie LaFranca
Process: Temporary Emergency, revision
» Policy 104 Stage 2 Draft (Temporary Emergency)
Policy 168 Complaints under the Utah Protection of Public Employees Act
Sponsor: Linda Makin
Stewards: Marilyn Meyer, Jeremy Knee
Process: Temporary Emergency, new policy
» Policy 168 Stage 2 Draft (Temporary Emergency)
To learn more about the temporary emergency policy approval process at UVU, visit our Policy Approval Processes webpage.