Today, August 11, 2022, President’s Council approved the following policy action:
Policy 532 University Student Groups
Approved Action: Entrance to Stage 4, Regular process (revision)
Policy Sponsor:Kyle Reyes
Policy Stewards: Alexis Palmer, Marissa King
Summary: Approved for entrance to Stage 4 for Board of Trustees review in the Regular policy process, this policy is a revision of the currently in effect Policy 532 Associated Student Organization and Club Membership. In addition to providing additional guidance on the formation, classification, and governance of university student groups, this policy
- Outlines the classifications of different student groups, include the student governing association (SGA), university student organizations (USOs), and registered student clubs;
- Establishes the rights, requirements, and privileges of university student groups; and
- Describes the requirements and limitations for use of the University’s name and other trademarks, scheduling, mandatory trainings, and funding.
During Stage 4, UVU's Board of Trustees will review the proposed policy at their next scheduled meeting on August 25. The proposed new draft of 532, if approved, will replace the current version in the Policy Manual. To view the policy’s draft, its Stage 2 comments from university governance entities, and the Equity Assessment Committee’s review, see its Stage 4 policy draft in the UVU Policy Pipeline. Policy 532 did not receive any comments from the university community during Stage 3.
For questions or comments regarding any of the above actions, contact the policy sponsor or steward(s) listed, or contact the Policy Office. To learn more about the policy approval process at UVU, visit the Policy Office's Policy Process webpage.
Please note that some of the above links may become outdated or broken as the policy drafts progress through the policy approval process, or are approved for adoption to or deletion from the Policy Manual. For the most up-to-date status regarding a policy or proposed policy draft, see the Policy Manual and Policy Approval Pipeline pages. To request a previous version of a policy or policy draft or for addition questions, contact the Policy Office.