PACE | Constitution of the Professional Association of Campus Employees

I. Name of Organization

  1. The organization is named the “Professional Association of Campus Employees” and is also known as “PACE”.

II. Affiliations

  1. PACE collaborates with UVU People and Culture, UVU Administration, and the Utah Higher Education Staff Association (UHESA).

III. Mission

  1. PACE advocates for and recognizes staff by providing a unified voice to the campus community, social and service opportunities, and support for professional development.

IV. Membership

  1. General Membership
    1. PACE membership consists of all full-time and part-time staff (excluding student employees, faculty, and executives) of Utah Valley University.
  2. Representation
    1. The PACE General Board (see Article V – Officers) represents the interests of the General Membership.
  3. Elections
    1. All PACE members are eligible to vote in PACE Elections. The PACE Bylaws shall regulate the election of all PACE General and Executive Board Officers.

V. Officers

  1. General Board
    1. The General Board shall consist of the Executive Board, Senators, and Committee Chairs of the officially designated PACE standing committees.
  2. Executive Board
    1. Composition
      1. The PACE Executive Board shall consist of a President, either a President-Elect or an immediate Past President, a Vice President, and a Secretary/Treasurer.
    2. Term of Office
      1. The President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer hold office for a two-year term.
      2. The Past President and President-Elect are one-year positions.
    3. Selection
      1. Executive Board Members are elected during the annual PACE Election process.
  3. Senators
    1. Purpose
      1. Senators shall represent PACE members within their respective administrative divisions of the University in meetings of the PACE General Board.
    2. Composition
      1. A total of 16 senators represent all UVU divisions, with divisions being allocated senators based on the number of PACE employees in each division.
    3. Term of Office
      1. Senators are elected for a two-year term, with approximately half of the senators elected each year on a rotating basis.
    4. Selection
      1. Senators are elected by PACE members within their respective division during the annual PACE Election process.
  4. Committee Chairs
    1. Purpose
      1. Committee chairs are responsible for the management of their designated PACE committees.
    2. Committees
      1. PACE committees shall be created to focus on important issues, provide representation, and coordinate the efforts of the PACE organization.
      2. Standing committees may be formed for an ongoing purpose as designated by the PACE President.
      3. Ad hoc committees may be formed for a specific task or objective, and may be dissolved after the completion of the task, or achievement, or objective.
      4. Standing committees and ad hoc committees shall report to and act under the direction of the General Board.
    3. Composition
      1. Composition of each committee will be determined by the Committee Chair, in consultation with the PACE Executive Board.
    4. Term of Office
      1. Chairs of standing committees shall serve for a period of two years.
      2. Chairs of ad hoc committees shall serve for the term of the ad hoc committee.
    5. Selection
      1. Chairs of standing committees are elected during the PACE Election process.
      2. Ad hoc Committee Chairs are appointed by the PACE President.
  5. Recall Process
    1. The General Board possesses sole power of recall.
    2. Upon petition by one-third of General Board members alleging malfeasance or neglect of official duties, the General Board must take action to consider removing a PACE Officer.
    3. The PACE President shall preside and assure the right of the accused to call witnesses on his/her behalf. In the event that the PACE President is accused, the Vice President shall preside.
    4. Any PACE Officer shall stand removed based upon a vote of no confidence by two-thirds of a quorum of the General Board, after which the office shall be declared vacant.

VI. Liaison

  1. PACE shall have a non-voting Administrative Liaison, appointed by the University President.

VII. Meetings

  1. Frequency
    1. PACE shall have a minimum of one General Membership meeting annually.
    2. Meetings of the PACE General Board shall be held monthly or as needed.
  2. Open Meetings
    1. All General Membership meetings and meetings of the General Board will be open meetings; however, the Executive Board may designate a meeting or a portion thereof as an executive session and may limit attendees to General Board members.
  3. Special Meetings
    1. Special meetings may be called by the PACE President or by a majority of the Executive Board.

VIII. Quorum

  1. For purposes of voting and conducting official PACE General Board business, a quorum shall be defined as more than half of all eligible voting officers.

IX. Amendments

  1. Proposal
    1. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by any member of the PACE General Board.
  2. Approval
    1. Proposed amendments must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the PACE General Board.
    2. Amendments approved by the PACE General Board must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the General Membership present at the annual PACE General Membership Meeting.
  3. Effective Date
    1. Amendments will become effective immediately upon approval of the General Board and the General Membership.

X. Ratification

  1. This Constitution must be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of the PACE General Membership.

Historical Information

  • Ratified June 20, 2017
  • Updated June 19, 2018