The Professional Association of Campus Employees (PACE) provides membership to all
full-time and part-time staff of Utah Valley University (UVU). PACE does not represent
nor provide membership for student employees, faculty, and executives. However, these
groups of UVU employees may receive direct or indirect benefit from PACE’s representation
of staff employees or actions taken by PACE for the benefit of all UVU employees.
PACE Members are added and removed from membership based upon their employment as
staff members of UVU. Members may not be added, removed, or resign by any act other
than employment changes. Members who are not serving on the PACE General Board have
no responsibilities within PACE. The PACE General Board is a representative body
for the general membership of PACE.
II. Finances
Source of Funding
Members of PACE are not assessed dues or fees of any kind. PACE receives all funding
through allocations for various designated purposes from UVU administration. PACE
is also a steward of funds provided by UVU administration for various special purposes.
PACE Expenses
University policy governs the disposition of all PACE funds. Funds with designated
special purposes are handled and expended according to documented rules and guidelines
provided by UVU administration and PACE officers.
III. Duties of Officers
Executive Board
Executive Board Officers are elected by all PACE Members.
Executive Board Officers shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Past President
or President-Elect (alternate years), a Secretary/Treasurer, and an Administrative
Liaison (non-voting).
Executive Board terms may be extended or shortened by up to one year by the PACE General
Board as circumstances require.
Approximately one half of the Executive Board will be elected each year on a rotating
In the event of a tie for an Executive Board office, a special run-off election will
be held.
Presidential Series of Positions
The Presidential series of positions are completed as follows: one year as President-Elect,
followed by two years as President, followed by one year as immediate Past-President.
The President-Elect takes office as the President on July 1, following completion
of the former President's term of office.
Committee Chairs
Committee Chairs are elected by all PACE Members.
Terms of office may be extended or shortened by one year by the PACE General Board
as circumstances require.
Approximately one half of the Committee Chairs will be elected each year on a rotating
In the event of a tie in the elections, both will serve as co-chairs, and will together
count as one chairperson for voting purposes.
Rights and Duties
Oversee and manage the day-to-day work of their committee.
In consultation with the Executive Board, may appoint committee members to serve as
Coordinators over specific areas of committee responsibility as needed to delegate
some of the work.
Recommend committee members to be appointed by the PACE President.
Recruit committee membership.
Conduct committee business.
Report committee outcomes to the PACE General Board.
Perform other duties as deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
Senators from each division are elected by the PACE Members in their divisions.
PACE Senators’ titles will reflect the title of the Vice President of the division
being represented.
Senators will be determined by a plurality of votes cast by PACE members in their
In the event of a tie for senators, both will serve as co-senators, and will together
count as one senator for voting purposes.
Approximately one half of the PACE Senators will be elected each year on a rotating
Senators from the same division will be elected on alternate years as much as is feasible.
The number of senators shall not exceed 16.
The apportionment of senators shall be handled according to Webster's Method of Apportionment.
Each division at UVU shall be awarded a number of senators based on the number of
PACE employees in that division.
Each division must be represented by at least 1 senator.
Rights and Duties
Serve as the voice of those they represent.
Responsible for relaying information to and from those they represent.
Represent PACE at UVU meetings or events, as called upon by the PACE President or
Executive Board.
Meet with their respective Vice President as needed.
Contact the division they represent at least quarterly.
Encouraged to serve on a committee and may serve as a Committee Coordinator.
All Officers of the PACE General Board
The General Board shall consist of the Executive Board, Senators, and Committee Chairs.
Two nominations for any given PACE Office are required for a person’s name to be placed
on the ballot. Self-nomination counts as two nominations. To be eligible, all of
the following must be true:
nominees must accept the nomination;
nominees’ supervisors must approve the nomination and agree to allow the individual
to spend the time required to fulfill the duties should they be elected to office;
nominees must be in good standing with the University, as determined by People and
senator nominees must be employed in the division they are elected to represent.
With the exception of the Presidential series of positions (President-Elect, President,
Past-President), the term of office for PACE officers shall be two years, beginning
on July 1 and ending on June 30.
No elected PACE Officer may serve in the same office for more than two consecutive
A simple plurality of votes cast in any election will determine the nominee to be
Rights and Duties
Serve for the good of PACE and the University.
Attend all general meetings.
Attend the meetings of PACE Committees to which they are assigned.
Arrange for alternative representation when they must unavoidably miss PACE activities.
Be involved in the policies, mission, and organization of the University.
Participate in PACE discussions.
Cast votes when called upon to vote on PACE issues.
Designate an alternate person to cast votes in their absence.
Assignment of a proxy voter is handled through written correspondence from the officer
to the PACE President and Secretary prior to the vote being cast.
In the event of a position of Senator, Committee Chair, Vice President, or Secretary/Treasurer
becoming vacant, the President will propose the appointment of a person to fill the
position. The General Board must approve all appointments. Special succession guidelines
apply to the President and President-Elect (see III.d.iv).
The President will select proposed officers based on the rank order of number of votes
received by nominees in the most recent election for the office to be filled. If no
replacement is found, the President may act to propose a new officer be appointed
who fits the criteria for the position from the General Membership of PACE.
The newly appointed officer will fill the vacant office for the remainder of the uncompleted
term. If the remaining term of the office exceeds one-half year, it shall be considered
a full term. If the remaining term is less than one-half year, it shall not be considered
a full term. An appointed officer shall be eligible to run for office when the term
of the former officer expires.
Impeachment/Recall of PACE Officers
Upon petition by 15 General Board members alleging malfeasance or neglect of official
duties, the General Board must take action to consider impeachment of a PACE Officer.
The General Board possesses sole power of impeachment. The PACE General Board also
possesses sole power to try impeachments.
The PACE President shall preside and assure the right of the accused to call witnesses
on his/her behalf. In the event that the PACE President is accused, the Vice President
shall preside.
Any PACE Officer may be impeached by a two-thirds majority of a quorum of the General
No PACE Officer shall stand convicted if two-thirds of the quorum of the General Board
fails to support conviction.
PACE Officers standing convicted shall be removed from office. The office shall then
be declared vacant.
Rights and Duties
All Executive Board Members
Attend all meetings of PACE.
Turn over to their successors all records and pertinent data of the Executive Board
in their possession at the expiration of their time in office.
Serve as the Chief Executive Officer of PACE and chair the Executive and General Boards.
Enforce the Constitution & Bylaws relating to the administration of the purpose and
mission of PACE.
In conjunction with the Executive Board, direct and promote the purposes of PACE.
Have general charge and supervision of the affairs and business of PACE.
Delegate responsibilities related to PACE as the need arises.
Call and chair all meetings of PACE General Board, Executive Board, and General Membership.
Call special meetings, with approval of the Executive Board, as needed.
Serve as a standing member of the Benefits Committee.
Appoint and organize all ad hoc Committees.
Appoint all Committee Members of PACE Committees, based on recommendations from Committee
Serve as the President in absence of the President.
Succeed as President.
Serve as a standing member of the Benefits Committee.
Past President
Serve as an advisor to the President.
Serve as a standing member of the Benefits Committee.
Vice President
Serve as an advocate for part-time employees.
Succeed as President when vacated in absence of a President-Elect.
Vice President and Past-President or President Elect
Assist the President in the performance of duties.
Serve on Standing Committees as assigned.
Perform other duties as necessary to maintain continuity of PACE business.
Act for the PACE President as designated.
Serve on other University committees as assigned by the Association President.
Arrange logistics for Executive Board meetings, General Board meetings, and General
Attend and keep accurate records of all regular and special meetings of PACE, including
minutes and official attendance rolls, distributing such minutes as prescribed.
Conduct all official correspondence and maintain all records, including membership
rolls, as necessary for the transactions of the official business of PACE.
With oversight from the PACE President, keep all financial records of monies held
by PACE and furnish a financial statement to the Executive Board. The financial statement
will be included as part of the agenda when requested.
Prepare and process paperwork for expenditures and funds.
Keep accurate records of receipts, earnings, and expenditures, and report such at
meetings as required.
Perform other duties as deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
Vacancy of President
If there is a President-Elect when the office of President becomes vacant, the President-Elect
will succeed as President for the remainder of the year in question, and also serve
one additional year. This will count as a full term.
The most recent Past President may be appointed as a transitional counselor for the
remainder of the year in question.
If the most recent Past President isn’t able to fully serve for any reason, other
recent Past Presidents may be requested to help.
If there is not a President-Elect when the office of President becomes vacant, the
responsibilities would be temporarily filled by the Vice President until the end of
the year.
A special election should be called to fill the position of President-Elect as soon
as possible, and the elected person would be expected to take over as President at
the next normal transition.
Vacancy of the Vice President during the temporary service as President may be filled
as described in III.a.iii.
If the Vice President (temporarily serving as President) wishes to be considered for
the President-Elect position during the special election, the seat of Vice President
would become vacant, to be filled as described in III.a.iii.
The Immediate Past President serves as a counselor during the Vice President’s temporary
Vacancy of President-Elect
If the office of President-Elect becomes vacant due to succeeding as President, a
new President-Elect should be elected in the next regular election.
If the office of President-Elect becomes vacant for any other reason, a special election
should be called to fill the position as soon as possible.
IV. An Administrative Liaison is appointed by the University President, and advises
the PACE Executive Board.
Duties of the Administrative Liaison
Advise the PACE Executive and General Boards.
Serve as long as the University President deems necessary.
V. Executive Board
The Executive Board shall carry out official business on behalf of the General Board.
The Executive Board shall conduct necessary votes of General Board Members as needed
during intervals between meetings.
VI. Committees
Standing Committees
Creation or dissolution of standing committees will be determined by the Executive
Board and approved by a majority vote of the PACE General Board.
Duties of each committee chairperson shall be determined by the PACE Executive Board
and shall be documented in the PACE Procedure Manual.
Standing committees are currently:
Benefits Committee
Marketing & Communications Committee
Constitution, Bylaws, & Procedures Committee
Elections Committee
Employee Recognition Committee
Events Committee
Legislative Affairs Committee
Policy Review Committee
Professional Development Committee
Service & Scholarship Committee
Wolverine Pride Committee
Ad Hoc Committees
Ad hoc committees and their chairpersons will be appointed by the Executive Board
and will function for a period not to exceed one year.
Duties of Ad hoc committees and their chairs shall be determined by the PACE Executive
VII. Senators
Senators shall act and vote in alignment with the views of the PACE members of the
division they represent.
In divisions where multiple Senators represent a large group of PACE members, Senators
should work together to represent the varying views of their constituency.
VIII. Order of Business
As specified in the PACE Constitution, a general meeting of all PACE Members shall
be called by the President and shall be held at least annually. Information of general
interest to all PACE Members may be discussed at these meetings, as well as items
needing approval or ratification by a simple majority vote of the PACE Members in
Meetings of the General Board shall be called by the President and shall be held monthly
or as needed. Transaction of PACE business by the General Board shall require the
presence of a quorum and a simple majority vote by the quorum.
Committee meetings shall be called by the committee chairperson.
Meeting Management
The meeting chairperson controls the order of business. New business items should
be proposed to the chairperson no less than one week prior to the meeting. An agenda
for the meeting should be delivered to all PACE General Board members no less than
one day prior to the meeting. Suggested meeting agenda:
Roll call of General Board Members (determination of a quorum being present)
Approval of minutes
Policy review
Reports of Standing Committees
Reports of Ad Hoc Committees
Unfinished business
New business
IX. Parliamentary Authority
“Modern Rules of Order” is the parliamentary authority on all questions not covered
in the Bylaws and any standing rules as PACE may adopt.
X. Amendments
Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed in writing by any General Board member to
the Constitution, Bylaws, and Procedures Committee at least two weeks prior to the
General Board Meeting in which it will be discussed.
The Constitution, Bylaws, and Procedures Committee will make recommendations for changes
to the General Board in consultation with the Executive Board.
The Constitution, Bylaws, and Procedures Committee Chair or their delegate will conduct
a vote of the General Board.
Proposed amendments to the Bylaws must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of
the entire PACE General Board.
Non-substantive changes, which update terminology or otherwise improve the document
without changing the way PACE functions, require only a simple majority of a quorum
of the General Board for approval.
Effective Date
Approved amendments will become effective immediately.
XI. Ratification
Ratification of these Revised Bylaws is dependent upon ratification of the newly developed
PACE Constitution by all PACE Members. If the constitution is not adopted, the ratification
of these revised bylaws shall not be brought to a vote until such time as a constitution
is ratified and appropriate additional revisions are made to the bylaws.
These Revised Bylaws shall be ratified by a three-fourths vote of all PACE General
Board members.
Historical Information
Prior to 2017 – The history of PACE Bylaws changes and amendments was not kept
June 20, 2017 – Ratification of revised PACE Bylaws after development of a PACE Constitution
June 19, 2018 – Approved on April 17, 2018 by PACE General Board, to take effect after
affirmative voting on PACE Constitution changes by PACE members on June 19, 2018