HEA Mentors and Assessors

Hand as one replacing the base of a step as a figure walks up them

HEA Mentorship Program

This program encourages the engagement of UVU HEA Fellows in the process of supporting the advancement of colleagues through gaining fellowship status and, thus in the betterment of the organization and its teaching mission.

The main role of all mentors is to offer encouragement, guidance and advice, and provide critical peer review andformative feedback on fellowship applications. Thus, mentoring provides a mechanism for collegial learning support, to assist the applicant to achieve success with their fellowship application.

Hand writing peer review with a dry erase marker

HEA Assessor

Being involved in supporting and assessing HEA Fellowship applications is an important part of contributing to the objectives of UVU of  “Enhance educational quality through the recruitment and retention of excellent and engaging faculty andstaff. 

Assessing and providing formative feedback and support to applicants not enables you to align to institutional goals, and to support your own professional development. 

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How do I become a HEA Mentor and/or Assessor?

  1. Contact [email protected]  to express interest
  2. Enroll in the HEA Mentor & Assessor Orientation 
  3. Attend the annual calibration session

Eligibility and Criteria 

  • Be a Fellow of the  Higher Education Academy
  • You can commit the time needed to mentoring (typically two meetings including at least one draft review)
  • You can commit the time needed to the assessment cycles (typically two hours per panel)
  • You can commit to the initial training and the annual calibration session.