Apply Now!Secondary Education Infosheet
Student Teaching ApplicationOnline Information Night: Feb. 10th
Online Information Night - 4pm-5pm. Click the button to join the meeting; no registration required.
Minimum 3.0 GPA required.
Mostly hybrid with some online/in person options.
No GRE required.
$359/per credit hour. $10,770 total
The Secondary Education M.A.T. provides qualified teacher candidates support, supervision, and evaluation. Students will be able to demonstrate the competencies required by the the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) for secondary teacher licensure in one of 17 content areas approved by USBE. Individuals already holding an earned Bachelor’s degree in one of these content areas may earn a teaching license through the Secondary Education M.A.T. program.
Applicants to the program must have completed coursework including required education methods courses in one of the teaching major subject areas for secondary education approved by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) prior to admission. We strongly encourage you to contact Brianna Larson (contact information below) as soon as possible when considering applying to this program.
To be considered for admission into the UVU Secondary Education M.A.T. Program, individuals must successfully complete all admission criteria.
Will a Master of Arts in Teaching meet the educational requirements for the professional credential in the state or US territory you might choose to live during or after completing your UVU degree? Visit the UVU Professional Licensure website to learn more.
The Secondary Education M.A.T. offers a comprehensive curriculum to advance their knowledge and experiences in teaching and learning in secondary classrooms. This emphasis enhances innovative instructional strategies, effective use of assessments for learning, and responsive curriculum design after students obtain a graduate certificate for secondary teaching.
For the Secondary Education M.A.T., students are expected to take 21 credits of pedagogy courses and complete 9 credits of student teaching/practicum and Master's project capstone to qualify for teaching licensure through the Utah State Board of Education (USBE). While some courses are 100% online, the majority of courses are open either hybrid or in person in the evenings at 5-8pm with an exception of practicum hours that must be completed during the daytime in secondary classrooms. The curriculum aligns with the AAQEP accreditation learning standards and the Utah Effective Teaching Standards.
Near the end of the program, students complete a Capstone Project to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they've gained in the program and illustrate how prepared they are to lead their professional learning communities and to become a teacher leader/mentor.
Students have three options for their master’s project:
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