Remote testing is now available. Schedule through MyUVU. See the class placement page for more information.

What GE Math Class Do You Need? 

If you haven't started taking college math courses yet, you'll want to start with one of the courses below.  These will all fulfill the GE requirement. The course you'll need will vary depending on your major.


  • Math 1030: Quantitative Reasoning focuses on analyzing and interpreting data in a real-world setting.  This course is intended for students majoring in subjects that do not have a significant mathematical or physical science component, such as fine arts degrees, most degrees from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, most degrees from the College of Health and Public Service, Secondary Education Majors focusing in a non-STEM field, and many others. For Elementary Education and Special Education degrees, see Math 2000. Topics include probability and statistics, mathematical modelling, dimensional analysis, and financial mathematics.  (Note: When registering, Math 1030 is listed as MAT 1030 (no H) in the Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning Department.)

  • Stat 1040: Introduction to Statistics is intended for students majoring in non-STEM fields and emphasizes statistical reasoning over large-scale data analysis.  Topics include descriptive summaries and charts, observational studies and experiments, sampling, and basic inferential statistics.

  • Math 1050: College Algebra is for students majoring in subjects requiring mathematical familiarity, including most classes from the College of Science.  Topics include functions, polynomials, polynomials, logarithmic and exponential functions, systems of equations, and sequences and series.

  • Math 1035, Stat 1045, and Math 1055 are all similar to the 1030/1040/1050 courses.  These courses contain additional credit hours, providing time for additional review material throughout the semester.  The placement score for these courses is also lower.  (Note: When registering, Math 1035 is listed as MAT 1035 (no H) in the Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning Department.)

  • Math 1090: Business Algebra is similar to Math 1050, with particular emphasis on applications to business, finance, and economics.  The course is tailored for most majors in the Woodbury School of Business.

  • Math 2000: Algebraic Reasoning with Modeling provides a synopsis of advanced mathematics for Elementary Education and Special Education majors.  Students learn about what happens in mathematics courses beyond what they would typically be teaching in their classrooms, empowering them to answer the question "what is this used for?" without going into full detail.  Topics include sets, functions, counting principles, sequences, and an introduction to principles of calculus.

Additionally, any of these courses will fill your GE requirement:

  • Math 1060: Trigonometry

  • Math 1080: Pre-calculus (a fast-paced combination of Math 1050 and 1060)

  • Math 1100: Introduction to Calculus

  • Math 1210: Calculus I

  • Stat 2040: Principles of Statistics

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