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2.1 Example 2: Evaluating a Function

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2.1 Example 3

This video explains how to evaluate a function with different inputs.

2.1 Example 3: A Piecewise Define Function

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2.1 Example 4

This video demonstrates how to evaluate a piecewise defined function. In a piecewise function, the function used depends on the value of the input.

2.1 Example 4: Finding Net Change

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2.1 Example 5

This video demonstrates how to find the net change of a function over a defined interval by using a graph.

2.1 Example 5: Evaluating a Function

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2.1 Example 6

In this video we are shown examples of how to evaluate a function given different inputs by using the definition of the function.

2.1 Example 6: The Weight of an Astronaut

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2.1 Example 7

In this video we are shown examples of how to calculate the weight of an astronaut.

2.1 Example 7: Finding Domains of Functions

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2.2 Example 1

This video demonstrates how to find the domain of a function.

2.2 Example 1: Graphing Functions by Plotting Points

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2.2 Example 2

This video demonstrates how to sketch a graph of functions.

2.2 Example 2: Graphing a Function with a Scientific Calculator

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2.2 Example 3

This video demonstrates how to graph a function on a scientific calculator (using online calculator Desmos).

2.2 Example 3: Graphing a Family of Power Functions

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2.2 Example 4

This video demonstrates how to graph a family of functions (using online calculator Desmos).

2.2 Example 4: Graph of a Piecewise Defined Function

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2.2 Example 5

In this video we are shown examples of how to graph the piecewise of function by sketch different functions in different domain.

2.2 Example 5: Graph of the Absolute Value Function

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2.2 Example 6

This video demonstrates how to graph an absolute value function by sketching different domains of the function.

2.2 Example 6: Graph of the Greatest Integer Function

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2.2 Example 8

This video demonstrates how to graph the greatest integer function by sketching different domains of the function.

2.2 Example 8: Using the Vertical Line Test

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2.2 Example 9

This video includes examples of the vertical line test.

2.2 Example 9: Equations That Define Functions

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2.3 Example 1

This video demonstrates working through a problem in which y is defined as a function of x.

2.3 Example 1: Finding the Values of a Function from a Graph

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2.3 Example 2

This video demonstrates how to complete a graph by finding different input values that correspond to the output values.

2.3 Example 2: Finding the Domain and Range from a Graph

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2.3 Example 3

This video demonstrates how to use a graph calculator to draw a graph, and how to find the domain and range of f.

2.3 Example 3: Solving Graphically

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2.3 Example 4

This video demonstrates how to solve a given equation or inequality using a graph.

2.3 Example 4: Solving Graphically

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2.3 Example 5

This video demonstrates how to solve a given equation or inequality using a graph.

2.3 Example 5: Intervals on Which a Function Increases or Decreases

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2.3 Example 6

This video demonstrates how to determine the intervals on which the function is increasing and decreasing using a graph.

2.3 Example 6: Finding Intervals on Which a Function Increases or Decreases

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2.3 Example 7

This video demonstrates sketch a graph; find the domain and range; and determine the intervals of increase and decrease of an equation.

2.3 Example 7: Finding Intervals Where a Function Increases or Decreases

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2.3 Example 8

This video demonstrates sketch a graph; find the domain and range; and determine the intervals of increase and decrease of an equation.

2.3 Example 8: Finding Local Maxima And Minima from a Graph

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2.3 Example 9

This video demonstrates how to find the local minimum and maximum on a graph.

2.3 Example 9: A Model For Managing Traffic (An application of finding the maximum of a function)

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2.4 Example 1

This video demonstrates how to find the maximum and intervals of increase using a real-life example.

2.4 Example 1: Calculating Average Rate of Change

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2.4 Example 2

This video demonstrates how to calculate the net change and average rate of change when given a function and set of points.

2.4 Example 2: Average Speed of a Falling Object

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2.4 Example 3

This video demonstrates the application of the average rate of change using a function.

2.4 Example 3: Average Rate of Temperature Change

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2.4 Example 4

This video demonstrates an application of the average rate of change using a table of data and by drawing a graph.

2.4 Example 4: Linear Functions Have A Constant Rate of Change

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2.5 Example 1

This video demonstrates that the slope between any two points on a linear function is the same.

2.5 Example 1: Identifying Linear Functions

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2.5 Example 2

This video demonstrates how to determine whether a function is linear. If it is linear, it can be expressed in the form f(x) = ax+b.

2.5 Example 2: Graphing a Linear Function

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2.5 Example 3

The video demonstrates how to use the function of an equation to make a table of values, and then use that table to sketch a graph of the function and determine the slope.

2.5 Example 3: Slope and Rate of Change

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2.5 Example 4

This video demonstrates how to sketch a graph and determine the slope of a function.

2.5 Example 4: Making a Linear Model from a Rate of Change

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2.5 Example 5

This video demonstrates how to create a linear model from a word problem.

2.5 Example 5: Making a Linear Model from a Slope

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2.5 Example 6

This video demonstrates how to create a linear model using a graphic, and then how to apply that linear model.

2.5 Example 6: Making Linear Models Involving Speed

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2.6 Example 1

This video demonstrates how to use a graph to compare the relationship between two by determining their slopes.

2.6 Example 1: Vertical Shifts of Graphs

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2.6 Example 2

This video demonstrates how to transform a function using vertical shifts.

2.6 Example 2: Horizontal Shifts of Graphs

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2.6 Example 3

This video demonstrates how to transform a function using vertical shifts.

2.6 Example 3: Combining Horizontal and Vertical Shifts

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2.6 Example 4

This video demonstrates how to transform a function using both horizontal and vertical shifts.

2.6 Example 4: Reflecting Graphs

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2.6 Example 5

This video demonstrates how to reflect a function over either the x-axis or y-axis.

2.6 Example 5: Vertical Stretching and Shrinking of Graphs

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2.6 Example 6

This video demonstrates how to stretch and shrink graphs vertically.

2.6 Example 6: Combining Shifting, Stretching and Reflecting

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2.6 Example 7

This video reviews the techniques of shifting a graph horizontally and vertically, stretching, and reflecting over the x and y axis.

2.6 Example 7: Horizontal Stretching an Shrinking of Graphs

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2.6 Example 8

This video demonstrates how to stretch and shrink graphs horizontally.

2.6 Example 8: Even and Odd Functions

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2.7 Example 3

This video demonstrates how to determine if a function is even, odd, or neither.

2.7 Example 3: Finding the Compositions of Functions

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2.8 Example 2

This video demonstrates how to combine two functions by layering one function into another.

2.8 Example 2: Showing that a Function is One-to-One

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3.4 Example 5

3.4 Example 5: Upper and Lower Bounds for the Zeros of a Polynomial

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4.4 Example 1

In this video we learn to use synthetic division to determine that all real zeros of the function lie between two points.

4.4 Example 1: Using the Laws of Logarithms to Evaluate Expressions

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8.1 Example 1

This video goes over examples of applying the laws of logarithms that allow us to expand or compress logarithms using multiplication, division, adding, subtracting, and exponents.

8.1 Example 1: Finding the Terms of a Sequence

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8.1 Example 2

In this video we learn how to find any given term in a sequence, or pattern, of numbers as defined by a formula

8.1 Example 2: Finding the nth Term of a Sequence

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8.1 Example 3

In this video, we learn how to identify the formula that is producing a sequence of numbers. We can then use that formula to identify the value of any term in the sequence.

8.1 Example 3: Finding the Terms of a Recursively Defined Sequence

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8.1 Example 4

In this video we learn how to identify the terms in a recursive sequence. A recursive sequence is such that the next term in the sequence depends upon the term previous.

8.1 Example 4: The Fibonacci Sequence

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8.1 Example 5

In this video we are shown how the fibonacci sequence is an example of a recursively defined sequence

8.1 Example 5: Finding the Partial Sums of a Sequence

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8.1 Example 6

In this video we are shown how to determine partial sums. A partial sum is found by adding up a certain number of terms in the sequence.

8.1 Example 6: Finding the Partial Sums of a Sequence

In this video we are shown how to determine partial sums. A partial sum is found by adding up a certain number of terms in the sequence.

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