Enlist future graduates.
Grow your talent pool.
And complete your company’s project with a motivated student team.

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Your company provides:

  • Funding
  • Project parameters
  • Mentorship

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UVU provides:

  • Productive student team specific to your project
  • Project manager to ensure benchmarks are met
  • Day-to-day project logistics

Icon of two hands shaking hands

Together we accomplish:

  • A completed deliverable
  • Professional and technical skill development
  • Profound career defining experiences

We customize your project team and timeline to meet your goals. 

  • We build a team of 4-6 students from a variety of disciplines. Their skills match your project needs.
  • We are nimble - projects can run at any time and typically take 2-3 weeks to start. 
  • Each student generally works 8-10 hrs/week, typically over 15 weeks.
  • You are invited to weekly sprint meetings (in-person or virtual) - typically 1 hr/week.



If you are interested in becoming an industry partner, please reach out to Jeremiah Harrison at

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