Combating AI Deepfakes in Elections: Pilot Program

The Gary R. Herbert Institute for Public Policy and the Center for National Security Studies (CNSS) at Utah Valley University (UVU) have partnered with Provo start-up SureMark™ Digital Identity Services (SureMark™ Digital) to launch a pilot project working to combat AI deepfakes in elections. AI deepfakes pose a significant and growing risk for negatively influencing the 2024 elections. The Herbert Institute has embarked on a multi-year effort to evaluate Utah’s election system with the hope of increasing voter confidence. 


The pilot project’s scope will include candidates seeking one of Utah’s four congressional seats and the open senate seat by giving the candidate the ability to authenticate their digital identity for free. Voters can use a free browser plugin to verify the candidate’s digital content. Students and faculty with the Herbert Institute and CNSS will follow the pilot program evaluating the impact AI deepfakes may have on Utah’s elections. The pilot will run Jul. 2024 until the winning candidates are sworn into office in Jan. 2025 and include academic panels and whitepapers.



July 9, 2024 — The Gary R. Herbert Institute for Public Policy and the Center for National Security Studies (CNSS) at Utah Valley University (UVU) announced today during a media eventa partnershipwith Provo start-up SureMark™ Digital Identity Services (SureMark Digital).They will launch a pilot project that works to combat AI “Deepfakesinelections.Brandon Amacher of UVU Center for National Security Studies, said the issue of AI deepfakes creates “a complicated environment that is going to require collaboration across sectors. We need academic institutions private companies and the government to lean in together on these issues now.” 


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What is an AI (artificial intelligence) deepfake?

An AI generated deepfake is a digitally altered image, audio recording, or video that purposefully misrepresents a person’s appearance, speech, behavior. It is used to spread false or misleading information in elections.

Are AI deepfakes really an issue, and is the SureMark™ Digital Identity Service really needed?

AI deepfakes create confusion, skepticism, and misinformation, particularly in elections. They pose a significant and growing risk for negatively influencing the 2024 elections.

The service provides a way for high-visibility individuals to protect their digital identity. It ensures that their followers can know with surety what media content (whether audio, video, image, or text) they themselves created and authorized, no matter where it appears on the internet.

What do you mean by digital identity?

A digital identity consists of all content, including photos, videos, and audio recordings, posted by an individual online. Through SureMark™ Digital Identity Service, a candidate’s digital identity is protected with a SureMark™ ID; a unique credential which allows users to authorize content consistent with the messages they want their digital identity to communicate to their audience.

How does SureMark™ Digital Identity Service work?

This pilot project is a partnership between voters and the candidates running for Utah’s four congressional seats and the open senate seat. Candidates who opt-in to the pilot will digitally authenticate their identity. Voters can download SureMark™ Digital ID browser plugin and know that the digital content is true to each candidate.

Have there been recent AI deepfakes in Utah’s elections?

Governor Cox and his supporters were recently victims of an AI deepfake campaign. A video surfaced online which appears to show Governor Cox admitting to fraudulent collection of signatures. The video, while not entirely convincing, was shared on social media by Governor Cox’s opponents, which further propagated disinformation.

Who can participate in this pilot program?

The pilot is currently offered to the candidates running for Utah’s four congressional seats and the open senate seat. Voters can download the plugin for free to participate (available August 8, 2024).