Model United Nations

Model UN Conference - February 3, 2024

UVU High School Model UN 2024 - this was our second exploration into the wild and wonderful world of diplomacy and debate. Nine schools from across the Wasatch Front brought close to 200 students to the Saturday event in UVU's Clarke Building. UVU students from the Model UN class effectively led the 4 UN Committee rooms and made it a memorable event for all!


Brighton High School Wasatch Independent Debate League - Best Large Delegation
Brighton HS - Outstanding Large Delegation Wasatch Independent Debate League - Best Large Delegation
Park City HS - Outstanding Small Delegation Westlake HS - Best Small Delegation
Park City HS - Outstanding Small Delegation Westlake HS - Best Small Delegation


Committee Topics: 

     Opening Address Topic: "I have the right to..." Personal impressions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

     Tournament Issue Book

General Assembly:

  1. Protecting civilians in combat zones, especially those with dissabilities
  2. Right of peoples to self-determination

GA - 3rd Committee:

  1. Promoting universal access to health care services
  2. Ensuring the right to privacy in the digital age
  3. Human rights and unilateral coercive measures

World Health Organization:

  1. Strengthening national capacities for pandemic response
  2. Addressing vaccing hesitancy and misinformation
  3. Antimicrobial resistance

United Nations Security Council:

Topics to be determined at the time of the convening of the conference.  An individual student or advisor may submit one sentence on why the student would be a good candidate to the following email: [email protected]  Be sure to include full name of the student and school. 


Model UN 2024 General Assembly

Model UN General Assembly

Model UN 2024 Security Council

Model UN Security Council

Model UN 2024 World Health Organization

Model UN World Health Organization