Developing the 21st Century Workforce: Utah-Japan Collaboration

11 March 2020. 10:00am - 2:00pm | Fulton Library, Room FL 120 | Utah Valley University


The goal of this event is to bring together American and Japanese stakeholders in Utah and identify Japan's furture investment interests in the United States as well as the kind of workforce needed in Utah to support these investments. The panel discussion is free and open to the public, but registration is required. 

diplomatic conference

This UVU Global Spotlight: Japan event is held in collaboration with Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA’s The Alliance Working in America (TAWA) program, which seeks to engage regional leaders and audiences across the United States on the importance of U.S.-Japan relations to U.S. regional and national interests.




Watch full video of the event:


Official Co-Sponsors:

 Office for Global Engagement Logo     sasakawausa logo     Japan Consulte in Denver     WTC UtahGlobal Spotlight Japan

In Partnership with:

 UCCD      GoEd       World Affairs Councils of America logo   Marriott School of Business