Mr. Jeff Brez - Chief, DPI NGO Section, United Nations

Mr. Jeff Brez - Chief, DPI NGO Section, United Nations

Mr. Jeff Brez

Jeffrey “Jeff” Brez has been named Chief of the new and enhanced NGO Relations and Advocacy Section of the United Nations Department of Public Information. 

Jeff’s work in international humanitarian aid and development assistance spanned more than a decade and covered a range of issues, including children’s and women’s rights, refugee assistance, child soldiers, heath, education, sustainable agriculture and food security, environmental sustainability, anti-corruption and climate change.  His experience includes strategic communications and campaign planning, social media, video and photography, knowledge product development, and events.  He also has experience with global, multi-stakeholder policy consultation processes and relations with civil society.

Jeff has worked for four United Nations entities, including the DPI’s Advocacy and Special Events Section.  He was also part of the World Bank Group in the United States, Albania and Côte d’Ivoire.  Prior to joining the UN, he spent a decade working in television production, both in front of and behind the camera.



Jeff Brez during the lecture

Mr. Jeff Brez giving a presentation to UVU students and faculty.