Building Bridges: Georgian Art & Politics Symposium with the UN Ambassador, Consul General and Cultural Attaché from the Republic of Georgia

Building Bridges: Georgian Art & Politics Symposium with the UN Ambassador, Consul General and Cultural Attaché from the Republic of Georgia

Georgian Art & Politics Symposium with the UN Ambassador, Consul General and Cultural Attaché from the Republic of Georgia

Utah Valley University is building bridges of international understanding with a workshop on the past, present and future of political influence on the cultural landscape of the Republic of Georgia. The workshop is free and open to the public and will be in the auditorium of the University’s library on Thursday, Sept. 15, from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

Speakers at the workshop include Kaha Imnadze, Georgia’s United Nations ambassador; Diana Zhgenti, the consul general of Georgia in New York; and David Aladashvili, Zhgenti’s cultural attaché.

In addition, the two winners of a UVU essay contents, titled “Impressions of Soviet Georgia: Personal Expression within the Collective Identity,” will read their winning essays. The essays were written in response to an exhibit of Soviet-era art at the Springville Museum of Art.

“There were some pieces of art that had been saved from an opera house that was being torn down,” said Amy Barnett, coordinator of International Affairs and Diplomacy at UVU. “We talked with the director, and it evolved into the Georgian Art and Politics Symposium.”

Once part of the Soviet Union, Georgia regained its independence in 1991. The country later pursued a pro-Western foreign policy, which lead to problems in relations with Russia and the brief Russo-Georgian War.

David Aladashvili gives a master class to UVU music students.

David Aladashvili gives a master class to UVU music students. 

Our Georgian guests are presented with awards and gifts by Dr. Baldomero Lago and Dr. Frederick White.

Our Georgian guests are presented with awards and gifts by Dr. Baldomero Lago and Dr. Frederick White. 

Lost & Foud Exhibition at the Springville Museum of Art.

Lost & Foud Exhibition at the Springville Museum of Art. 

Consul General Diana Zhgenti with Franz Kolb from the Governor's Office of Economic Development.

Consul General Diana Zhgenti with Franz Kolb from the Governor's Office of Economic Development. 

Dinner at the Lion House Restaurant hosted by LDS Public Affairs.

Dinner at the Lion House Restaurant hosted by LDS Public Affairs.