Libran Nuevas Cabactulan, ambassador of the Philippines to the United Nations in New York City, will lecture at Utah Valley University on Jan. 17 at 10 a.m. in the UVU Library auditorium, room 120, on the importance of nuclear nonproliferation agreements. The event is free and open to the public.
The title of Cabactulan’s lecture is “Nuclear Disarmament: A Must for Human Survival.” Cabactulan, a career diplomat, is a distinguished negotiator of international economic, trade and tariffs, and nuclear weapon agreements.
“Ambassador Cabactulan has become one of the foremost global leaders on issues of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation,” said Rusty Butler, associate vice president for UVU’s Office of International Affairs & Diplomacy. “He has spoken at more than 19 international conferences and workshops on the subject since 2009, and most importantly, was selected to be the president of the 2010 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference at the United Nations. His extensive background and expertise on such an issue of critical importance will ensure an informative and enlightening lecture for our students.”
Cabactulan has served in his current post as the Philippine ambassador to the U.N. since April 2010, but he also served at the Philippine Mission to the United Nations in New York from 1986-1990 and again from 1995-2000. He also served a stint at the Philippine Mission to the United Nations in Geneva.
Prior to his current appointment, Cabactulan served as assistant secretary for disarmament and non-proliferation in the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila. He was the Philippine ambassador to the United Arab Emirates from December 2003 to July 2009. He has also been assigned to the Philippine Embassy in Brussels and the Philippine Consulate General in Sydney, Australia.
Before joining the Foreign Service, he was with the National Economic and Development Authority for 10 years. Cabactulan has a master degree in political science from the University of the Philippines.
Click here for more information on Mr. Cabactulan and his country of The Phillipines.