Education to Industry

Wolverine Giving Opportunities

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Educating Tomorrow's Workforce Today

UVU’s Excellence and Innovation Initiative (e2i) is designed to give students real-world problem-solving opportunities through working on projects that matter. E2i projects help students get involved on collaborative teams that help them gain professionalism and technical skills that they can leverage in their chosen career. These projects help them discover their passions and build confidence in themselves and their career choices. Each completed project builds a student’s portfolio, enabling them to demonstrate to future employers what they have done and how they can contribute. This is an innovative program that encourages student success not only in the classroom but beyond.

Sponsoring Opportunities

Sponsor a team: 100% of the funds e2i receives goes toward student wages on projects.
By sponsoring a team, you are changing the lives of our students. Students involved in e2i are experiencing the value of their education in real time, which gives them momentum to continue with their education goals. The e2i program is building a workforce that will be ready to hit the ground running and is already making an impact in our community. In the coming year, e2i hopes to grow and support even more student growth without compromising the experience for students or partners.
For more information, we invite you visit our website by clicking here.



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Other Ways to Give

Every gift is meaningful and appreciated. You are welcome to make a donation of any size to support our students. If you'd like to create a legacy, please consider signing up for a monthly recurring gift that will have a lasting impact on future students and educators. Together, we uplift, provide exceptional care, and inspire students to be their very best.

For more information on ways to establish a legacy gift, such as through a will, bequest, trust, annuity, or IRA rollover, please visit

If you prefer to donate via check, please make checks payable to UVU Foundation and mail to the address below. Please list "Education to Industry" in the memo field.

UVU Foundation
800 W University Pkwy MS 111
Orem, UT 84058

UVU employees are welcome to sign up for payroll deduction using the Employee Giving form.

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