About Us


The Department of Student Leadership & Involvement (SLI) facilitates opportunities that enhance the academic experience by promoting student involvement and event attendance, developing leadership skills, and preparing students to take on active societal roles on campus and in their communities. SLI also strives to provide support for other university units that oversee student groups on campus to encourage student development and aid in training.

Our Impact

394 Student Leaders

3.4 Average Cumulative GPA for Student Leaders

1,497 Student Club Events, Meetings, and Practices

5.8% Higher persistence for Student Leaders

The co-curricular and extra-curricular experiences that students have at UVU contribute to academic persistence, retention, and completion. These experiences add to the vibrancy of the college experience and deepen students’ connection to UVU.

Students participating in a Student Leadership & Involvement experience: 

Intellectual Development

Enhancing their critical thinking skills, learning processes, and creative problem-solving abilities.

Social Development

Strengthening their bond with UVU, forming friendships, engaging with peers, and improving face-to-face communication skills.

Professional Development

Gaining workforce-related skills such as effective written communication, project management, and presenting themselves and information to groups and influential individuals.

Our Staff

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Empowers and encourages student freedom to create groups dedicated to specific interests, hobbies, and academic focuses. By participating in a club, students have the opportunity to increase their leadership and communication skills, meet new people, and do more of what they love.

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House & Residence Life

Assists students in having a positive student living experience by facilitating on site residence life events/activities and connecting students to housing related resources and information including housing laws, independent living tutorials, contract navigation, etc.

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Learning & Engagement

The Zone: With weekly offerings students are able ta participate in activities learning new skills/hobbies that they have interest in. Students are able to connect with their peers and participate as their schedule allows.

LEAD Certifiation Program: Students have the opportunity to earn o one or two-year distinction certifying completion of prescribed teaching activities focused on four key areas of professional and personal development: Learn, Engage, Acquire, and Discover.

Interreligous Engagment: Builds a community inclusive of all worldviews (religious, spiritual, and secular identities) by providing physical space, educational events/activities, and opportunities for dialogue to build respect, relationships, and understanding.

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Spirit Squad

Provides performance-based entertainment at Athletic and campus events promoting an atmosphere of interaction, enthusiasm, and support for UVU.

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Student Government

Made up of elected and appointed officers, students are responsible for representing the student voice across campus. Student officers actively participate in policy change, advocate for student needs, and provide activities/events to enhance the student experience.

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