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Nizhone Meza is the Director of Academic Policy and Faculty Relations. Nizhone began working at UVU in October 2019, and she comes with a variety of skills and abilities. Nizhone's experience comes from working in education, at a non-profit community organization, the courts, and government agencies. She is trained in negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution and is a certified MTI Workplace Mediator in Conflict Resolution. Nizhone enjoys presenting on and teaching about conflict resolution as well as conducting direct services to individuals, groups, and organizations.



J.D., Law, J. Reuben Clark Law School, April 2015

M.S.W., Social Work, Brigham Young University, April 1997

B.S., Social Work, Brigham Young University, April 1995

REQUESTS (Consultation, Mediation, Training)


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NOTE: Initial contact can be made by completing this form or by email, however, specific details should not be given or requested over email due to the nature of email being being an unsecured form of communication.

UVU Faculty Relations Business Contact Information

Phone: 801-863-5268

Email: [email protected]

Room BA-216F