A "Respondent" is someone designated to respond to a report submitted to the Equity & Title IX Office. Generally, the Respondent is someone alleged to be responsible for behavior that is in violation of one of two UVU Policies regarding sexual harassment and sex discrimination (Policy 162), and discrimination (Policy 165).

If you are contacted by the Equity & Title IX Office, it is important to keep in mind that the office is not taking action at that time, but rather would like to meet with you to follow-up on the report and further discuss the situation. If you have been accused of sex discrimination, sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or other gender-based harassment, sex discrimination, discrimination, or retaliation, you can find information about UVU’s network of people and departments who can offer appropriate assistance for a variety of situations across campus on the Report and Support website.

Supportive Measures


Yellow trees against a blue sky

What are supportive measures?

If you have been impacted by sexual misconduct or discrimination, or you are a party to a sexual misconduct or discrimination proceeding, you can request supportive measures through the Equity & Title IX Office. Under UVU Policy, supportive measures are designed to address your safety and well-being and provide you with continued access to educational or employment opportunities.

How do I access supportive measures?

Speak with someone in UVU’s Equity and Title IX Office by:

What are some examples of supportive measures?

Examples of supportive measures include but are not limited to:

  • Crisis Counseling
  • Victim Advocates
  • Extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments
  • Modifications of work or class schedules
  • Campus escorts to class or your vehicle
  • Mutual restrictions on contact between the parties (No Contact Directive)
  • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus
  • Other similar measures, dependent on each situation

Do university supportive measures cost money?

It’s best to talk with our office about your specific situation. Most supportive measures come at no cost to you however, depending on your situation, you may incur some costs.

What are the limits of supportive measures?

Supportive measures are non-punitive and non-disciplinary. They do not punish individuals who have been impacted by sexual misconduct or discrimination or who have allegedly engaged in sexual misconduct or discriminatory behaviors. Supportive measures are not sanctions.

Can supportive measures be retroactive?

Supportive measures are often retroactive, meaning we can provide support even if the incident happened in the past. One example of a retroactive supportive measure would be if you missed a recent class or work due to a sexual misconduct incident, we may be able to work with your professor or supervisor to excuse those absences.

Do I need to file a formal complaint or participate in an investigation to receive supportive measures?

You can access supportive measures without filing a formal complaint or pursuing an investigation.

What is reporting a concern versus a formal complaint?

Reporting a concern is providing information regarding potential sexual misconduct or discrimination, while a formal complaint is a document filed by a claimant or signed by the Title IX Coordinator alleging sexual harassment against a respondent and requesting that UVU investigate the allegation.


Parties' Rights/Individual's Rights


Opportunities offered to Complainants or Respondents - who participate in an Equity or Title IX office process. 

Here’s what you can expect… 

  • Parties may provide evidence to the investigator (documents, notes, emails, letters, or anything else relevant to the facts). 
  • Parties may provide a written statement outlining the relevant facts or information they wish considered in the investigation. 
  • Parties may identify witnesses they would like interviewed. 
  • Parties may use the assistance of an advisor. 
  • Parties may request interim measures designed to eliminate the behavior/harassment, and to provide safety measures. 
  • A party who has been the victim of sexual assault may also pursue criminal charges. Pursing criminal charges may be in addition to filing with the Title IX office.  Filing with the Title IX office is not required prior to filing criminal charges and you can elect to pursue both avenues—criminal complaint and a Title IX office investigation. 
  • Withdraw a complaint or involvement from the process at any time. 

Rights of the Respondent - who are involved in the Equity or Title IX process.

Here’s what you can expect… 

  • You will be treated fairly.  
  • You will have your identity kept confidential as required by law, except when necessary to ensure the safety of any person or as necessary to carry out a Title IX proceeding.  
  • We will discuss the availability of supportive measures that are designed to address your safety, well-being and provide you with continued access to educational or employment opportunities. 
  • You will be contacted by the Title IX Coordinator and offered supportive measures to restore or preserve equal access to education and protect your safety.  
  • You will receive written notice of allegations upon receipt of a formal complaint.  
  • You will have the right to present your own evidence and witnesses.  
  • You will have all relevant evidence objectively evaluated.  
  • You will be told what the stated standard of evidence being used is. 
  • You will be treated equitably and not have any disciplinary sanctions imposed without the campus grievance process being followed. Any interim supportive measures are separate from this process. 
  • You will be provided with a fair and impartial grievance process administered by trained and impartial school officials.  
  • You will be protected from being coerced or threatened into participating in a grievance process. You will not be required to come face-to-face with the complainant during a hearing.  
  • You will have an equal right to appeal and will receive information about our appeal procedures. 
  • You will receive a written decision and rationale from the institution once the grievance process is completed.  
  • You will have the opportunity to review and respond to all available evidence in advance of the hearing.  
  • You will have the right to be accompanied by an advisor of your choosing, who may or may not be an attorney. If you do not have an advisor, one will be appointed to assist you in the live hearing.