Did you know there are three main protective actions depending on the emergency you
face: evacuation, shelter in place, and secure in place? Evacuation is understood,
especially in cases of fire emergencies, but there may be confusion surrounding the
difference between shelter in place and secure in place.
Shelter in place are for emergencies where it is safest to take refuge inside, whether
that be in your house, where you work, or some other location. Emergencies that may
dictate a shelter in place include weather related events or hazardous chemical spills.
When sheltering in place in a public building it is important to leave outer doors
unlocked and unobstructed as others may also need to enter the building to shelter
in place.
Secure in place include emergencies where you need to place a locked door between
yourself and the danger. These emergencies include active shooter and active aggressor
In both shelter in place and secure in place incidents wait for an "All clear" before