Keep at least one week's worth of groceries on hand at all times. Keep emergency type
foods as well (granola bars, bottled water, etc.)
May consider placing emergency food in a 72 hour back pack or container.
Keep at least a three-day supply of water (two gallons per person per day). This can
be used for drinking, brushing teeth, flushing toilets, and bathing (sponge bath).
May consider bottled water for drinking and other containers to hold additional water.
Keep cars gas tank at least half full at all times
Have enough money available to get to your parent's home or a designed alternate location
(if that is where you would go in case of a major emergency).
Make arrangements in advance for a place of retreat.
Have a certain amount of cash (to be determined by your personal circumstances) as
ATMs may lose power in a large disaster incident. Consider small bills.
Have your cell phone programmed to call family and other important people in your
Program ICE (In Case of Emergency) number in your cell phone directory
Designate an out of area family member/friend as a family communication contact
Keep your roommates/spouse apprised of your whereabouts
Know about emergency information sources, including KSL AM 1160, FM 102.7 and KBYU
FM 89.1 and FM 89.5.
Remember that your car radio is a source for emergency information. Consider the purchase
of a battery operated radio for your home/apartment.
Consider the Red Cross Earthquake App that can communicate with designated people
about your safety
Designate a place for meeting your roommates, or your spouse and children (right outside
your home for emergencies such as fires, and outside your neighborhood if you can't
get home)
Be aware of any faith based/community affiliation's emergency response plan
Identify primary and alternate escape routes out of your home/apartment, and conduct
drills with your family/roommates
Keep all needed medications readily available with one week's surplus supply (if possible)
Have items available for warmth in cold weather (coats, blankets, etc.)
Keep insurance policies (policy numbers and contact information available, along with
any other important documents, such as birth certificates and marriage licenses)
Learn what to do for the different hazards that could impact you or your family
Consider supplies for pets, food, water, medication, container for transport, immunization
records, etc.