If you need to evacuate during an emergency you should take your pet(s) with you.
Do not leave your pet(s) at home as you may not be able to come back home for hours,
days, or even weeks. An abandoned pet may become lost, injured, or killed during an
emergency. If you are planning on staying at a temporary emergency shelter you will
need to make alternate arrangements for your pet(s). Many emergency shelters do not
allow animals unless they are service animals. Options for finding an alternative
arrangement for pets include the following:
For hotels that are not pet-friendly, ask if during an emergency their "no pets" policy
would be waived.
Contact your local emergency management office to see what, if any, accommodations
they offer.
Reach out to boarding facilities, veterinary clinics, and animal shelters or rescues
to see what accommodations they can offer in an emergency.
Include this information in your emergency communication plan and keep a copy of this
list in your pet emergency kit. To learn more about pet safety during an emergency
evacuation click here.