Select your program to see information specific to its requirements.
Information for Elementary Education Program Students
Regarding Credit/No Credit Grading Option
On Monday, March 30, 2020 Utah Valley University sent you an email entitled “Spring
2020 Grading.” Based on the unprecedented way the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated
universities across the nation, including Utah Valley University, to quickly adapt
instruction to alternative-delivery instruction, UVU students are given the option
of choosing a letter final grade (A, A-, B+, etc.) or credit/no credit for their classes.
This means that you will make this selection for each course you are taking this semester after
you complete all course assignments and requirements for the semester.
You have been provided a link to a university webpage that presents information about
grading options, how to decided which option is best for you (including potential
consequences), and how to change your grade. Please look at the information provided on that webpage closely! It provides many important issues you should consider before deciding whether to
switch to the credit/no credit option for a particular class!
It’s also important that you are aware that what is considered credit or no credit
can vary across schools, colleges, and programs within UVU. What credit/no credit will mean for the courses within the School of Education that
are part of programs that lead to teacher licensure is thatcredit will be given for work that would receive a B- or better, and no credit will
be given for work that would receive a C+ or lower. This is because there is already a program requirement that these classes are passed
with a B- or better in order to continue in the program, and the Utah State Board
of Education (USBE) requires students to have an overall GPA of 3.0 in their teacher
preparation courses to receive a professional teaching license.
Even though a “credit” grade in your courses will allow you to continue in the programs,
there are still good reasons to keep the letter grade option. For example, if you
are repeating an education class for a higher grade, “credit” will not replace the
lower grade and improve your overall GPA. Likewise, if you are working on raising
your overall GPA to qualify for program completion and graduation, “credit” will not
have any effect on your GPA.
We realize there may be students, because of the sudden alternative-delivery instruction
and/or other life challenges, who feel they are in a situation where credit/non-credit
may be the best option for a particular class. If this is the case for you, before
you make this choice, we advise you to reach out to your professor(s) for the course(s)
that present a particular challenge.
The Credit/No Credit option for this program is possible under a waiver provided by the Utah State Board of Education on April 2, 2020.
Information for Early Childhood Program Students
Regarding Credit/No Credit Grading Option
On Monday, March 30, 2020 Utah Valley University sent you an email entitled “Spring
2020 Grading.” Based on the unprecedented way the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated
universities across the nation, including Utah Valley University, to quickly adapt
instruction to alternative-delivery instruction, UVU students are given the option
of choosing a letter final grade (A, A-, B+, etc.) or credit/no credit for their classes.
This means that you will make this selection for each course you are taking this semester after you complete all course assignments and requirements for the semester.
You have been provided a link to a university webpage that presents information about
grading options, how to decided which option is best for you (including potential
consequences), and how to change your grade. Please look at the information provided on that webpage closely! It provides many important issues you should consider before deciding whether to
switch to the credit/no-credit option for a particular class!
It’s also important that you are aware that what is considered credit or no credit
can vary across schools, colleges, and programs within UVU. What credit/no credit will mean for the courses within the Early Childhood program
is thatcredit will be given for work that would receive a C- or better, and no credit will
be given for work that would receive a D+ or lower. This is because there are already program requirements for the Associate of Science
Degree or the One-Year Certificate of Completion. Early Childhood program courses
must be passed with a C- or better to count toward degree completion.
Even though a “credit” grade in your courses will allow you to continue in the programs,
there are still good reasons to keep the letter grade option. For example, if you
are repeating an education class for a higher grade, “credit” will not replace the
lower grade and improve your overall GPA. Likewise, if you are working on raising
your overall GPA to qualify for program completion and graduation, “credit” will not
have any effect on your GPA.
We realize there may be students, because of the sudden alternative-delivery instruction
and/or other life challenges, who feel they are in a situation where credit/non-credit
may be the best option for a particular class. If this is the case for you, before
you make this choice, we advise you to reach out to your professor(s) for the course(s)
that present a particular challenge.
Information for Secondary Education Program Students
Regarding Credit/No Credit Grading Option
On Monday, March 30, 2020 Utah Valley University sent you an email entitled “Spring
2020 Grading.” Based on the unprecedented way the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated
universities across the nation, including Utah Valley University, to quickly adapt
instruction to alternative-delivery instruction, UVU students are given the option
of choosing a letter final grade (A, A-, B+, etc.) or credit/no credit for their classes.
This means that you will make this selection for each course you are taking this semester after you complete all course assignments and requirements for the semester.
You have been provided a link to a university webpage that presents information about
grading options, how to decided which option is best for you (including potential
consequences), and how to change your grade. Please look at the information provided on that webpage closely! It provides many important issues you should consider before deciding whether to
switch to the credit/no credit option for a particular class!
It’s also important that you are aware that what is considered credit or no credit
can vary across schools, colleges, and programs within UVU. What credit/no credit will mean for the courses within the School of Education that
are part of programs that lead to teacher licensure is thatcredit will be given for work that would receive a B- or better, and no credit will
be given for work that would receive a C+ or lower. This is because there is already a program requirement that these classes are passed
with a B- or better in order to continue in the program, and the Utah State Board
of Education (USBE) requires students to have an overall GPA of 3.0 in their teacher
preparation courses to receive a professional teaching license.
For your content-area classes, please refer to the relevant college/school for information
about how they are handling the credit/no credit situation.
Even though a “credit” grade in your courses will allow you to continue in the programs,
there are still good reasons to keep the letter grade option. For example, if you
are repeating an education class for a higher grade, “credit” will not replace the
lower grade and improve your overall GPA. Likewise, if you are working on raising
your overall GPA to qualify for program completion and graduation, “credit” will not
have any effect on your GPA.
We realize there may be students, because of the sudden alternative-delivery instruction
and/or other life challenges, who feel they are in a situation where credit/no credit
may be the best option for a particular class. If this is the case for you, before
you make this choice, we advise you to reach out to your professor(s) for the course(s)
that present a particular challenge.
The Credit/No Credit option for this program is possible under a waiver provided by the Utah State Board of Education on April 2, 2020.
Information for Special Education Program Students
Regarding Credit/No Credit Option
On Monday, March 30, 2020 Utah Valley University sent you an email entitled “Spring
2020 Grading.” Based on the unprecedented way the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated
universities across the nation, including Utah Valley University, to quickly adapt
instruction to alternative-delivery instruction, UVU students are given the option
of choosing a letter final grade (A, A-, B+, etc.) or credit/no credit for their classes.
This means that you will make this selection for each course you are taking this semester after you complete all course assignments and requirements for the semester.
You have been provided a link to a university webpage that presents information about
grading options, how to decided which option is best for you (including potential
consequences), and how to change your grade. Please look at the information provided on that webpage closely! It provides many important issues you should consider before deciding whether to
switch to the credit/no-credit option for a particular class!
It’s also important that you are aware that what is considered credit or no credit
can vary across schools, colleges, and programs within UVU. What credit/no credit will mean for the courses within the School of Education that
are part of programs that lead to teacher licensure is thatcredit will be given for work that would receive a B- or better, and no credit will
be given for work that would receive a C+ or lower. This is because there is already a program requirement that these classes are passed
with a B- or better in order to continue in the program, and the Utah State Board
of Education (USBE) requires students to have an overall GPA of 3.0 in their teacher
preparation courses to receive a professional teaching license.
Even though a “credit” grade in your courses will allow you to continue in the programs,
there are still good reasons to keep the letter grade option. For example, if you
are repeating an education class for a higher grade, “credit” will not replace the
lower grade and improve your overall GPA. Likewise, if you are working on raising
your overall GPA to qualify for program completion and graduation, “credit” will not
have any effect on your GPA.
We realize there may be students, because of the sudden alternative-delivery instruction
and/or other life challenges, who feel they are in a situation where credit/non-credit
may be the best option for a particular class. If this is the case for you, before
you make this choice, we advise you to reach out to your professor(s) for the course(s)
that present a particular challenge.
Again, thank you for your continuing effort to complete your studies and graduate
with an education degree and professional teaching license.
Dr. Bryan Waite • Chair, Department of Secondary Education
Dr. Vessela Ilieva • Dean, School of Education
Kim Fale • Advisor, Secondary Education
The Credit/No Credit option for this program is possible under a waiver provided by the Utah State Board of Education on April 2, 2020.
Information for PETE Program Students
Regarding Credit/No Credit Option
Please refer to information from the Department of Secondary Education regarding the
credit/no credit option for EDSC courses.
The following information is specific to PETE courses:
The Credit/No Credit option for this program is possible under a waiver provided by the Utah State Board of Education on April 2, 2020.
Information for Students Enrolled in Autism Courses
Regarding Credit/No Credit Option
Please refer to information from your respective departments regarding the credit/no
credit option within your program.
The following information is specific to Autism courses:
If you are pursuing the BCBA or BCaBA credential, DO NOT select Credit/No Credit grading for these classes. This will negatively impact your
ability to apply to take the credentialing exam. Please talk with your professor
or Dr. Carlson if you have any questions.
Information for School of Education Graduate Students
Regarding Credit/No Credit Grading Option
On Monday, March 30, 2020 Utah Valley University sent you an email entitled “Spring
2020 Grading.” Based on the unprecedented way the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated
universities across the nation, including Utah Valley University, to quickly adapt
instruction to alternative-delivery instruction, UVU students are given the option
of choosing a letter final grade (A, A-, B+, etc.) or credit/no credit for their classes.
This means that you will make this selection for each course you are taking this semester after you complete all course assignments and requirements for the semester.
You have been provided a link to a university webpage that presents information about
grading options, how to decided which option is best for you (including potential
consequences), and how to change your grade. Please look at the information provided on that webpage closely! It provides many important issues you should consider before deciding whether to
switch to the credit/no-credit option for a particular class!
It’s also important that you are aware that what is considered credit or no credit
can vary across schools, colleges, and programs within UVU. What credit/no credit will mean for the courses within the School of Education that
are part of programs that lead to teacher licensure is thatcredit will be given for work that would receive a B- or better, and no credit will
be given for work that would receive a C+ or lower. This is because there is already a program requirement that these classes are passed
with a B- or better in order to continue in the program.
Even though a “credit” grade in your courses will allow you to continue in the programs,
there are still good reasons to keep the letter grade option. For example, if you
are repeating an education class for a higher grade, “credit” will not replace the
lower grade and improve your overall GPA. Likewise, if you are working on raising
your overall GPA to qualify for program completion and graduation, “credit” will not
have any effect on your GPA.
We realize there may be students, because of the sudden alternative-delivery instruction
and/or other life challenges, who feel they are in a situation where credit/non-credit
may be the best option for a particular class. If this is the case for you, before
you make this choice, we advise you to reach out to your professor(s) for the course(s)
that present a particular challenge.
In response to the evolving COVID-19 situation, the UVU School of Education (SOE) will remain open under modified conditions to reduce possible exposure to students, faculty, and staff.
If you have any issues getting in contact with our faculty or staff feel free to call
our main office number (801) 863-8228 or email us at [email protected].
Please refer to for the most current information regarding UVU campus as a whole.