If unsure of your assigned MarComm, contact the digital display team at [email protected].
The model for the distribution of responsibilities for the digital signage system is as follows:
Digital signage is reserved for university organizations for university speech. The requirements of Policy 161 govern these guidelines. The digital signage guidelines are viewpoint-neutral, nondiscriminatory and shall not violate Policy 161. To the extent there is a difference between Policy 161 and these guidelines, Policy 161 will govern. Please refer to the content guidelines before you submit any content. Content must be submitted electronically to [email protected] minimum of three (3) business days prior to the first date the content is to be displayed on the Digital Signage system. Content submissions must include the first name, last name, and phone number of the submitter, the date the content should start running on the Digital Signage system, and the digital poster or video file as an attachment to the email. Additionally, include the banner index number so digital signage can check that the department is a university organization. The index is not charged.
Commercial speech on the Digital Signage system is not permitted. See Policy 161 for more information.
Department who have purchased digital signage locations can own up to 80% of the play-time on those displays.
The use of Official UVU logos and secondary marks must adhere to the UVU Branding Style Guide found at https://www.uvu.edu/marketing/guidelines.
The use of red borders on posters or videos is reserved for Emergency Communications only. Digital Signage content submitted with a red border will not be scheduled for display.