Curriculum proposals posted for public comment for 2 weeks, beginning on the 1st through the 15th of each month, excluding June and July. Email [email protected] with questions or concerns about access.
Note that clicking on the links on this page, the red and green markup on modifications is NOT visible. To view the red and green markup you must view curriculum by entering CourseLeaf CIM through the "Approve" portal, and then selecting "Intercollegiate View" from the dropdown menu next to "Your Role."
You will need Courseleaf access to view items on this page. Please contact the Curriculum Office for view access. Click on the name of the course to review. On the right side of the screen above workflow, click "Add Comment" to provide comments or feedback and then click "save". College Curriculum Committees should review and comment on all curriculum from their college/school, however, any faculty or staff may comment on items as they see fit.
To view Administrative Unit Changes, click the link below.
Count: 26
Count: 39