View for February 1-15, 2025.

Curriculum proposals posted for public comment for 2 weeks, beginning on the 1st through the 15th of each month, excluding June and July. Email with questions or concerns about access.

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 UVU light green tile


Count: 26


: Emergency Medical Services, Undergraduate Certificate
: Emergency Services Supervision, BAP
: Health and Wellness Science, AS
: Nutrition, Undergraduate Certificate


ELSI: Ethical Leadership and Social Impact, Minor
BA-UVST: Professional Advancement, B.A.
CP2-1PDP: Personal Development for Professional Advancement, Certificate of Proficiency
CP3-1LPS: Leadership for Personal and Social Impact, Certificate of Proficiency
CGCL: Constitutional Government Civics and Law, M.A.
GC-2EDL: Educational Leadership, Graduate Certificate
MED-HEDL: Master of Education in Higher Education Leadership, M.Ed.
BS-SPAT: Special Education - Mild/Moderate/Severe, B.S.
BS-COSC3-SCMP: Computer Science - Secure Computing Emphasis, B.S.
BS-SFEG1: Software Engineering, B.S.
BS-AGD1: Animation and Game Development, B.S.
APCO: Applied Communication, Minor
BS-APCO: Applied Communication, B.S.
BS-PRSC: Public Relations and Strategic Communication, B.S.
PRSC: Public Relations and Strategic Communication, Minor
AA-BIOL: Biology, A.A.
AS-BIOL: Biology, A.S.
BS-MAED1: Mathematics Education, B.S.
BS-STA: Statistics, B.S.
 UVU green tile


Count: 39


CGCL 6790R: Special Topics in Constitutional Government, Civics, and Law
CGCL 6980: CGCL 6980
EDUC 6425: Contemporary Issues in Civics Education
EDSP 2400G: Exceptional Students 
DAGV 2101: Motion Graphics for Digital Media I 
DAGV 2102: Motion Graphics for Digital Media II
DAGV 3702: 3D Visual Effects II
DAGV 3802: Game Engine II
HLSC 4890R: Applied Research in Health and Public Service
NUTR 2900R: Special Topics in Nutrition 
NUTR 4900R: Special Topics in Advanced Nutrition
SOC 3110: Statistics for Social Sciences
MATH 5010: Methods of Secondary School Mathematics Teaching


MUSC 1236: Survey of Jazz History
EDHE 6420: Humanizing Higher Education
EDHE 6960R: Higher Education Leadership Capstone
CS 2700: Causal Inference
CS 3270: Python Software Development
CS 3380: JavaScript Software Development
CS 3660: Web Programming II
CS 3680: Mobile Device Programming
CS 3800: Data Science Through Statistical Reasoning
CS 4710: Machine Learning II
DAGV 3701: 3D Visual Effects I
DAGV 3801: Game Engine I
DAGV 4600R: Portfolio Development
NSS 4300: Intelligence Cycle and Collections
HLSC 2400: Mental Health and Mindful Resilience 
NUTR 2000: Body Image and Mindful Eating
NUTR 3100: Community Nutrition
NUTR 3200: Nutrition and Culture
PHIL 3660R: Issues in Religious Studies
BIOL 1615: College Biology I Laboratory
BIOL 3300: Developmental Biology
BIOL 4300: Phylogenetics
BOT 4700: Plant Tissue Culture
BTEC 2040: Advanced Molecular Methods
MATH 4010: Methods of Secondary School Mathematics Teaching