Adjunct Opportunities

Teaching as an adjunct

If you are interested in teaching as an adjunct professor for the Criminal Justice Department, please visit UVU jobs. We will only post jobs as openings occur.

Frequently Asked Questions for current Adjuncts

How do I get access to myUVU?

Once you have been fully hired by UVU, the department Administrative Assistant will notify you that you can access myUVU. If you are logging in for the very first time, you can set up your myUVU account by going to the myUVU landing page. Type in your UVID (which will be provided to you) and your temporary password, which is "Wolverine" followed by your 8-digit birthday in MMDDYYYY format (no dashes – only numbers). When you log in you will be prompted to change your password. Be sure to keep track of your UVID and password because you will need that for almost every other online service.

What is Canvas and how do I get access to it?

Canvas is UVU’s Learning Management System where you can set up all your classes, communicate with your students, and manage files, tools, assignments, grades, and more. When you get access to myUVU you will also automatically get access to Canvas unless you are a new employee and your class won’t start for more than 30 days. You can log into Canvas by going to, or you can log in to myUVU then click on the “Canvas” link.

What do I do if I need access to Canvas earlier than 30 days prior to the start of my class?

If you are newly hired and need access to Canvas more than 30 days prior to your first day of class, let the department Administrative Assistant know.

What if I have questions about or problems with Canvas?

If you have any questions about or problems with Canvas, the Office of Teaching and Learning Lab (OTL) can help you. They are a great resource for any Canvas issues or concerns, including how to set up your classes in Canvas. You can contact them by calling 801-863-6127, or by email: [email protected]. Their hours are M-F 8 am - 8 pm and Sat.10 am -5 pm. Most of the time you do not need an appointment, however you can contact them to set one up if you wish. They are located in FL 515 (on the 5th floor in the library).

What textbook should I use for my class?

Please contact the department Administrative Assistant for the current list of course textbooks.

How do I get online instructor resources to go along with the textbook I am using for my class?

If you would like to use them, each publishing company has online instructor resources that go along with most of their textbooks. To get access to these resources you will need to set up your own account with the publishing company. For Cengage visit For Pearson/Prentice Hall visit For Sage visit

Are there department guidelines I should follow for my syllabus?

The Administrative Assistant will provide you with the department syllabus template that you need to use for all your syllabi. It includes all the required topics and language you need for your syllabi. The Assistant will also get you the required course description and objectives as they are written in our curriculum program, 

How can I set up my UVU email?

Once you have your UVID and have set your myUVU login and password, you can set up your UVU email address by going to: Login with the same login and password as your myUVU, then click the ‘change’ button to the right of the address you wish to change. Using the drop-down list, select the address you wish to use. Click ‘Save Changes’, then logout. If you have any problems or questions with this call the IT Service Desk at 801-863-8888.

How can I connect to UVU wifi?

Depending on what kind of device you have there are instructions for connecting to Wolverine wifi here:

First search for the “Wolverine-Wifi” network on your device, then click on that to connect to it. Then open a web browser. If your device has not yet been registered, that should automatically redirect you to a UVU authentication page. You will need to login with the same login and password as your myUVU login and password.

Once you have typed that in, click “Continue/Download”. If you are registering a mobile device, that will complete the process. Your device should then be connected to the Wolverine-Wifi network automatically. If you are registering another type of device, that button will download a program called the “Bradford Security Agent”, which is necessary for connecting to the network and for scanning your device to make sure it meets campus network standards.

Click “Save” or “Run” to install the agent. Once that is fully installed a window will open for you to log into the agent. Log into that with the same login and password you used before. Then that’s it! Your device will be fully connected to the Wolverine-Wifi network (if your device meets UVU’s Network Access Policy). If you have any problems with this process call the IT Service Desk at 801-863-8888, option #3. Or you can visit their office in BA 007.

If security is a concern for you and you would like to join the Wolverine-Secure network, you will need to bring your device to the IT Service Desk for help to get connected.

How can I get an ID card, and how can I get door access put on my card?

You don’t have to get an ID card if you don’t want to but it is helpful for some things. Once you have been issued a UVID (an 8-digit identifying number), you can let the department Admin know and then you can coordinate a time for the two of you to go to Campus Connection to get your ID card printed.

The Admin will print an ID Card/Electronic Access Request Form and take that to Campus Connection with you so that way you won’t have to pay for the card. Be aware that it is a photo ID so they will take your picture right before they print it.

How can I get access to the Criminal Justice Office?

 Contact the Criminal Justice Administrative Assistant at 801-863-7230 to ensure someone will be in the office to assist you in gaining access.

How do I print materials for my classes?

You are free to use our scanner, copier, and any supplies you need in our main office (EN 101). Alternately, you can email the department Admin with the documents you need to have printed ahead of time (1 or 2 days if possible) and they can print them for you. That way you can simply swing by the office whenever you need to and pick them up.

How can I get a parking permit?

All parking permits are obtained online from the UVU Parking Services website. Go to the UVU Parking Services webpage:  Select "Obtain a Parking Permit"

Once you have your UVID you can fill out the form online. Parking permits are electronic, so there is no decal or hanger to display.

Remember to fill out this form at the beginning of each semester. If you have any questions the Parking Services FAQ page can be very helpful:  You can call them at 801-863-8188.

What are the pay periods for adjuncts?

Typically the first deposit is made roughly 4 weeks after classes begin, followed by deposits in the middle and at the end of every month through the end of the semester.

For semester-long classes pay is usually divided up into 7 deposits; for block classes pay is usually divided up into 3 (1st block) or 4 (2nd block) deposits.

For specific dates see the payroll website: Then scroll down to select the Adjunct Pay Calendars button.

What if I have problems with the projector/computer in my classroom?

If you have any problems with your computer or the projector in your classroom,  call Media Services at 801-863-1111. They are very helpful and they should be able to come down immediately to help. Their number is also on the computer control center in every classroom.

They are available until 10pm every night, so they should still be able to help you even if you have an evening class. They are also available all day on Saturdays. If for some reason they are not able to help you, the assistants at the IT Service Desk may be able to help you. You can call them at 801-863-8888.

How do I submit final grades?

To submit final grades log in to myUVU, click on the “Faculty” tab on the left side, and then “My Classes” under that.  Under the Grading section on the right side of the page, click “Enter Grades”. Click on “Term Selection” and choose the term, then click on the title of the course to enter final grades. 

How can I confirm that I submitted final grades correctly?

 To confirm that you have submitted final grades correctly, log back in to myUVU as if you were going to enter in final grades again. If the grades are there already, then that is your confirmation of successful grade submission. Alternately, after you have clicked “Submit” to submit final grades you can  click “Confirm Grade Submission” (which should be next to the Submit button). That should take you to another page where you can review all the grades you submitted.  At the bottom of that page you can click the button to have them emailed to you. Note that you will only be able to enter, edit, review, and confirm final grades through this method during the final grade submission timeframe. Once that timeframe closes you will need to contact the Registrar’s office for assistance. You can also contact the Registrar's Office for any questions about this process: 801-863-8493,  

How can I change a missing or incorrect grade?

If you need to change a missing or incorrect grade, follow the steps below. Be sure to have the student's UVID ready.

1. Log into myUVU.

2. Click on the "Faculty" tab on the left.

3. Click on "My Classes".

4. On the right side of the page click on "Grade Changes".

5. Select the correct term (semester) then click "Submit".

6. Enter in the student's UVID, click "Submit", verify that it is the correct student, then click "Submit" on the next page.

7. Click on the "Select a Section" drop down to choose the course.

8. Click on the "Select a Grade" drop down to choose the new grade.

9. Click on the "Select a Grade Reason" drop down to choose a reason for the new grade.

10. Click "Submit" at the bottom of the page. You should receive a confirmation email shortly.

If you still have questions feel free to contact the Registrar's office 801-863-8493.

What if I have a question that is not covered above?

If you have any questions not discussed above feel free to contact the department Admin at 801-863-7230 or [email protected].