Career Options

  • A degree in physics-new is a great preparation for many careers and areas of graduate study. Typically, students with bachelor’s degrees are not likely to be employed as “physicist,” but job prospects are good in computer, technology, and engineering related fields. With a master’s or Ph.D. degree, there are many different fields within physics-new that you specialize in for employment or study (typically, about half of our graduates attend graduates school upon completing their degree at UVU).

    These websites provide more information on different career options in chemistry, how to prepare for those jobs, and what the employment outlook is like in the field:

    This site has a lot of great information about different careers in physics-new, including profiles of professionals in a number of different specialties. Also, they have a lot of great statistics on what physics-new graduates typically do at different levels of education.

    This is a great resource for career information, employment trends, and the education required for any job in any field. Some of their career profiles that are in the physics-new field include:

    This site also has information about what skills and abilities are rated as most important in different career fields and provides a profile of the typical person working in each field. Some specific profiles related to physics-new are:

    Another good site for career information that has some information on the employment outlook in a field for each state as well as employment trends over time. Also features some career assessments and tools to help you choose a career. Some specific profiles related to physics-new are:

    Another site that outlines the different specialization that are available for physics-new majors both as a career and for graduate study.


    An extensive list of different college majors and what different careers they can lead to, including common employers within the field. Some profiles that may be helpful are:

    An extensive career search site that features career assessments and other tools to help you choose a career. Also contains some information about the local Utah employment outlook and information about what high school background can help prepare students for different career fields and areas of academic study.