
Faculty Research

Portrait of Weihong Wang

Weihong Wang


[email protected]

Research Areas
Anthropogenic Impact
on Wetland/Aquatic
Carbon Dynamics in
Wetland Ecosystems,
GIS and remote sensing,
Renewable Energy, and Sustainability

801.863.7607 | PS 213 | MS: 179 Learn more
Portrait of Alessandro Zanazzi

Alessandro Zanazzi


[email protected]

Research Areas
Isotope Geochemistry,
Stable Isotope Hydrology

801.863.5395 | PS 226 | MS: 179 Learn more

Mentored Research 

Get Started!

  1. Start early in your degree - maybe in your sophomore or junior year (many faculty will not bring on seniors into their research labs).
  2. Carefully study the faculty research members and their research areas. Click on the different links to explore the different professors and their research interests. 
  3. Choose a few faculty members whose research seems most appealing to you.
  4. Be proactive in investing time in studying the faculty’s research, journal articles, etc., and be prepared to ask questions and comment on his/her research.
  5. Contact the faculty member via email for more information about opportunities in their lab and schedule a time to meet them. If they don't respond to an email/phone call, drop by their office!
  6. Many times, you will begin as a volunteer until you have gained enough experience to merit credit/pay.
  7. Once you have sufficient experience, you will be eligible for research credit (494R), for every 1 credit you wish to earn please plan on spending at least 3 hours per week. You also can work towards funding for research projects (for example: URSCA, TEELS, etc.  and SAC )