Math Refresher Workshop

The MAT 1030 Expired Prerequisite Workshops at UVU are primarily designed for students who have been away from mathematics for two or more years.

UVU students wishing to take MAT 1030 who have expired prerequisites (a MAT 1000/1010 course grade more than two years old) will encounter a prerequisite error when attempting to register for MAT 1030. Expired Prerequisite Workshop registration, together with a C- or better in MAT 1000/1010, can be used as temporary eligibility for MAT 1030.

Within one business day after workshop registration, an advisor will enter a system override allowing UVU students to register in their desired section of MAT 1030. Students are responsible for their own UVU course registration; participation in the workshops does not guarantee a seat in the course.

The workshop can be used as placement one time only; if you do not pass your  MAT 1030 course, you will need to either repeat MAT 1000/1010 or establish a placement test score.

Students using the workshops for placement must complete a short online refresher course with all assignments at 100% in order to maintain placement. The course will review content and develop a knowledge base to prepare for MAT 1030. Students who do not fully complete the online course by the date set by the instructor will have their override revoked for the desired semester. 

The Expired Prerequisite Workshops are course specific and can only be used as placement for the course and semester listed.

For questions or additional information, please contact either:

1) Ezra Mintz-Fernandez ([email protected]), 801-863-4696)

2) Cole Bertelsen ([email protected], 801-863-4880) 

3) Department Chair Lindsey Gerber ( [email protected] , 801-863-6729).

Upcoming Workshop

Summer 2025

student working on math problem

Desired Summer 2025 Course:
Math 1030 Quantitative Reasoning

Prerequisite Requirement:
C- or better in MAT 1000/1015 or 1010

Date and Time:

Register by May 2nd


Fall 2025

student working on math problem

Desired Fall 2025 Course:
Math 1030 Quantitative Reasoning

Prerequisite Requirement:
C- or better in MAT 1000/1015 or 1010

Date and Time:

Register by August 15th


Spring 2025

student working on math problem

Desired Spring 2025 Course:
Math 1030 Quantitative Reasoning

Prerequisite Requirement:
C- or better in MAT 1000/1015 or 1010

Register by:

Dec 20th


Math Refresher

Math Refresher