Advisors see students by appointment (in-person, by phone, or via video chat)

When an Advisor is offering "Drop-In" appointments it will be posted on their appointment scheduling page. Please keep in mind these are for 10-15 minute basic questions only. These are not for class scheduling appointments or new/transfer students.

If you are running late for your appointment, please contact us by phone at 801-863-5717 so that we know to expect you. However, if you will be more than 10 minutes late to your appointment, we ask that you reschedule.

Students with less than 30 credits

If you are a new student or a transfer student with less than 30 credits, please schedule an appointment with the First-Year Advising Center.

First-year Advisor

Students with 30 or more credits


Behavioral Science


Behavioral Science

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English & Literature


English & Literature

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Family Science


Family Science

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History & Political Science


History & Political Science

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Humanities & Social Sciences Associate


Humanities & Social Sciences Associate

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Integrated Studies


Integrated Studies

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Languages & Cultures


Languages & Cultures

Language Placement Assessment

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Philosophy & Humanities


Philosophy & Humanities

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Students looking to pursue a master’s degree



Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Visit CMHC

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Master's of Marriage and Family Therapy

Visit MFT

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Master's of Social Work

Visit MSW

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Self-Help Resources

Click below to explore tips, advice, and resources curated to support your success!

Self-Help Videos

Student Responsibilities

Students are expected to:

  • Develop an educational plan and establish career goals, with the guidance of your advisor.
  • Meet regularly with your advisor. Plan ahead by visiting with them early in the semester and not waiting until the last minute before registration.
  • Come to appointments prepared with questions and/or topics to discuss and participate fully in the advising experience.
  • Understand how to navigate the course registration site and enroll in the courses in your academic plan.
  • Know the general education and program requirements for your major.
  • Check MyUVU often for email messages from the university.
  • Become knowledgeable of campus and online resources, and follow through when referred to appropriate campus resources.
  • Graduate in a timely manner based on your academic plan. Accept responsibility for your decisions and your actions that affect your educational progress and goals.

Advisor Responsibilities

Students can expect UVU Advisors to:

  • Provide a safe space in which to share your thoughts, aspirations, concerns, and interests; maintain confidentiality with all information shared; and treat you with respect as an adult.
  • Actively listen to your questions and concerns and provide information and support as needed.
  • Provide guidance and encouragement as you develop a clear and realistic educational plan, and assist you in making course and major decisions.
  • Understand and effectively communicate degree and graduation requirements, policies, and procedures.
  • Demonstrate how to use Banner online services and navigate the course registration site.
  • Provide information about UVU resources available to you and refer you to applicable campus services, organizations, and/or individuals as needed.
  • Protect and secure the integrity of the UVU degree by complying with all college and departmental policies and requirements.



(phone not monitored after 4:00pm)

[email protected]

Hours of Operation

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

If you need to schedule an appointment outside of our regular hours or have any other additional questions or concerns, please contact your advisor directly

Find the Right Advisor



CB 506

A map of the 5th Floor of the Clarke Building

Meet the Team


CHSS Advising Team

Headshot of Wilson the Wolverine

Questions? Ask Wilson