UVU CET Project Forms, Guidelines, and Resources

First step: Learn the lingo.

Second step: Questions to ask, ensure you have answers for, and communicate.

There are varying viewpoints on the responsibility and accountability placed on students, faculty members, department chairs, dean's offices, and Academic Affairs.  The Office of General Counsel's primary purpose is protecting the university overall.  As you go through below, bear this in mind.

Structurally at UVU

Student sitting

  • What is the ultimate goal of the project and does it coincide with the primary mission of being a teaching institution?
  • Is this project being done with the Innovation Academy such as the Excellence and Innovation Initiative (E2I)?
  • Is this project an internship or should it be an internship perhaps?
  • How will any project expenses be paid and by whom?
  • What assumptions may be being made?

Project Definition

  • Is there a clear and agreed upon project charter?
  • Is there a clear and agreed upon project scope statement (more detailed)?

Roles and Responsibilities

  • What is the role of the faculty member and/or any other project managers or constituents?
  • Who is doing the primary work (student, faculty member, project manager)?

Student Involvement and Compensation

  • Will students get academic credit for their work (such as in a capstone class)? If so, how and who will do the assessing?
  • Will the students be paid for their work? If so, by whom?
    • If yes, how might this impact a) expected ownership of outcomes and b) the role of the faculty member?

Intellectual Property and Ownership

  • What access to intellectual property or propriety information may be needed to complete this project?
  • Who has expected ownership of final copyright or intellectual property and does that match policy 136 Intellectual Property?
  • Who has ownership of any physical final products or outcomes?

Confidentiality and Exclusivity

  • What are expectations in regard to non-disclosure or similar? 
  • What are expectations in regard to exclusivity or similar? 

Risks and Liabilities

  • What risks might relate to this project, how will those risks being mitigated or addressed, and by whom?
  • What liabilities (beyond confidentiality and exclusivity) might relate to this project, how will those liabilities be addressed, and by whom?

Third step: Review all potentially relevant campus-wide forms and agreements.

Review campus-wide forms and agreements from the Office of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer including:

Review campus-wide forms and agreements from the Office of Risk Management including:

If this qualifies as an internship, review forms and agreements from the Career and Internship Center

If this project work is being done with Excellence and Innovation Initiative (E2I), review:

  • Internal memoranum of understanding between CET and E2I [need to make]

Fourth step: Consider if these additional CET specific forms and agreements are necessary.

Project Planning and Agreement. These forms are used to establish the goals, scope, and terms of the project, outlining the expectations of all parties involved.

  • Project Proposal Template [need to make]
  • Project Scope Agreement [need to make]
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Template [need to make]

Legal and Confidentiality. These forms manage the legal obligations and rights related to the project, including confidentiality, liability, and ownership of work.

  • Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template [need to make]
  • Liability Waiver and Release Agreement Template [need to make]
  • Work for Hire Agreement (if student is being paid) Template [need to make]
  • Data Use Agreement (DUA) Template [need to make]

Student and Faculty Advisor Acknowledgments. These forms address the formal agreements between students, advisors, or collaborators, ensuring that all parties understand their responsibilities and expectations.

  • Project Partner/Student/Advisor Acknowledgement Form  [need to make]
  • Student Academic Integrity Agreement [need to make]

Risk Management and Safety. These forms assess and manage risks related to the project, including hazardous materials and other potential dangers.

  • Risk Assessment Form [need to make]
  • Use of Hazardous Materials Template [need to make]

Feedback and Evaluation. These forms are used to gather feedback and assess the outcomes of the project, ensuring quality and learning goals are met.

  • Project Evaluation and Feedback Template  [need to make]

Other Factors to Consider

Conflict of Interest.  The potential for conflict of interest for either full time or part time employees of UVU. 

Human Subjects.  Requirements if you intend to do research involving human subjects

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  How FERPA requirements could impact your project if it involves student educational records information.