Utah Valley is expanding with new industry coming or expanding, such as Facebook and Adobe. In addition, Silicon Slopes and industry are expanding at a record pace.
Utah Valley is estimated to grow by 1 million new residents over the next 50 years. There is about 230,000 acres of developable land in Utah County, compared to around 35,000 acres in Salt Lake County. Utah Valley has good proximity to the arts, culture and entertainment and land availability is abundant.
The College of Engineering and Technology offers 30 certificates, 10 minors, 4 diplomas, 31 associate degrees, 26 bachelor’s degrees, 1 graduate certificate, 2 master’s degrees, and has 37 programs
5 Certificates of Proficiency
Engineering Design Technology (AAS, AS)
Architecture (BS)
Surveying AND Mapping (AS, BS)
1 Certificate of Completion and 1 Minor
Computer Science (AAS, AS, BS)
Software Engineering (BS)
Master of Computer Science
3 Certificates of Completion, 2 Certificates of Proficiency, and 1 Diploma
Facilities Management (AAS)
Cabinetry anf Architectural Woodworking (AAS, AS)
Construction Management (AAS, BS)
Culinary Arts (AAS)
2 Certificate of Proficiency and 1 Minor
Web Design and Development (AAS, BS)
Animation and Game Development (BS)
Digital Communication in Technology (AAS)
Digital Audio (BS)
Digital Cinema Production (BS)
Computer Engineering (AAS, BS)
Pre-Engineering (AS)
Civil Engineering (BS)
Electrical Engineering (BS)
Mechanical Engineering (BS)
Electrical Automation and Robotics Technology (AAS, AS)
Mechatronics Engineering Technology (AAS, BS)
3 Certificates of Completion, 5 Certificates of Proficiency, and 7 Minors
Administrative Information Support (AAS)
Information Systems and Technology (AAS, AS)
Administrative Information Management (AS)
Business and Marketing Education (BS)
Information Management (BS)
Information Systems (BS)
Information Technology (BS)
1 Graduate Certificate
Master of Cybersecurity
2 Certificates of Proficiency and 1 Minor
Technology (AAS)
Technology Management (BS)
3 Certificates of Completion and 4 Diplomas
Collision Repair Technology (AAS)
Diesel Mechanics Technology (AAS)
Automotive Power Sports (AAS)
Automotive Technology (AAS, AS)
UVU’s nontraditional students are prepared to make immediate positive impacts in our communities. Yet, many of our students are graduating with great debt and sometimes discontinuing their education due to financial burdens. UVU’s students are entrepreneurial, creative, and problem-solvers. The endowment will provide annual support to alleviate our students’ financial burdens.
$28 Million Endowment
Vocational and community college programs and a
First-Rate Teaching University
41,728 |
Enrollment Fall 2019 |
UVU Educates
More Utahns
Than Any
Other State
Are First-Generation College Students
Are Nontraditional Students, 25 Years or Older
Work 20 hrs a Week or More While Attending UVU
UVU's Impact on Utah's Economy:
of Students stay in Utah after Graduation for at least one year
$57 Million
estimated annual economic impact of UVU's 2015-2016 Graduating Class
First-Rate Affordable Education
In-state tuition per year
4,970 |
Enrollment Fall 2019 |
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30 Certificates
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Associate Degrees 32
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26 Bachelor's Degrees
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Graduate Certificates 1
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2 Master Degrees