The Council on Academic Standards (CAS) is a Faculty Senate/University council, whose duties include evaluating and recommending policies (and procedures) with regard to graduate admission, undergraduate admission, retention, graduation and academic standards. Additionally, CAS serves as an appellate body regarding such policies and procedures.
CAS adjudicates individual student cases involving undergraduate (and graduate) academic standards and performs other duties as directed by the Utah Valley University Faculty Senate including the following:
Other Issues which may be decided by this council include:
(total hours/hours in one or more areas of general education, distribution requirements, etc.)
The Chair is elected by the UVU Faculty Senate; in addition, the Chair serves as a non-voting member of the Executive Council of the Senate. The term of the Chair is three years and is renewable contingent on their status as a senator. The chair will not vote unless there is a “tie.”
CAS will consist of individual Representatives, whose acquisition will happen through Service and Elections, from each of the colleges/schools at UVU. Each representative will have an equal vote.
Advisors/Staff of the UVU Office of Academic Standards attend for decision making pertaining to their assigned duties. Academic Standards serves 1 voting member slot on Council and other non-voting members/advisors serve on Council as deemed appropriate.
Advisors/Staff of UVU’s Multicultural/International Student Services are assigned ex officio status and are expected to attend and observe all decisions of the council and provide feedback, especially with respect to issues relating to students who require special consideration (international students, etc.).
Below is the process for any ratification, amendment, or revision of CAS bylaws:
(*) Changes are permitted at any time, but any changes must be submitted to the Chair and the council for review. If the bylaws are approved (greater than 50%/majority) by the council they must be again presented to the Executive Council and approved by the Faculty Senate, as described above.
Quorum: A quorum shall consist of greater than 50% of the members. A quorum is needed to make changes to policy, bylaws, and procedures; additionally, a quorum is required to review appeals and to hear student requests. A quorum is not required, but will be sought, under emergent circumstances, e.g., a student or faculty needing an urgent decision for graduation, etc...
Sub-Committee: Subcommittees may exist with any number of Council members. Subcommittees are formed to investigate specific cases, review specific cases, review policy (before regular meetings), or for any reason deemed by the Chair.
Frequency of Meeting: CAS will meet at the request of the Chair, who may be guided by requests from Academic Standards,(suspension petitions), special requests from the Faculty Senate, petitions filed by students (through the registrar) or other parties needing the services of Council on Academic Standards.
Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal Petitions
If you have a grade change or a grade dispute, please review the procedure for grade change petitions ***Make these last three words the link instead of ‘here’***
Academic Standards Petition:
Petition for Suspension Review
Students who have been suspended from UVU and wish to be reinstated must petition Council on Academic Standards through the Academic Standards Office for a “Suspension Review”.
The Petition (type-written one page or more) should include the following:
Your petition should also include, if applicable:
taking, study skills, writing, testing, organizational and computer skills.
already posted on your UVU record.
may include health, emotional Issues, social, financial or work-related issues, etc...
whom you have been meeting regarding any medical, psychological, or work-related
issues that have affected your academic progress.
Note: If any of these issues are mentioned in your petition for review, and letters of verification are not provided, CAS will not be able to review the merits of those issues.
Submission Information:
submit your petition as early as possible. The process takes approximately four to six
(4-6) weeks to receive an official response.
Semester deadlines for submission are as follows:
(* Exception: Students who are suspended the current Spring Semester may
turn in their petition June 1.)
Note: Submission deadlines are strictly enforced. Petitions received after
deadlines will be reviewed in the following semester.
Petition for Dismissal Review
Students who have been dismissed from UVU and wish to be reinstated must petition for a
“Dismissal Review” from the Council on Academic Standards.
The Petition (typewritten) should include the following:
Your petition should also include, if applicable:
taking, study skills, writing, testing, organizational and computer skills.
already posted on your UVU record.
may include health, emotional Issues, social, financial or work-related issues, l, etc.
whom you have been meeting regarding any medical, psychological, or work-related
issues that have affected your academic progress.
Note: If any of these issues are mentioned in your petition for review, and
letters of verification are not provided, the Council will not be able to review
the merits of those issues.
shows you have completed up to 18 credit hours with a 2.5, or above, GPA.
Submission Information:
submit your petition as early as possible. The process takes approximately four to six
(4-6) weeks to receive an official response.
Semester deadlines for submission are as follows:
(* Exception: Students who are suspended the current Spring Semester may
turn in their petition June 1.)
Note: Submission deadlines are strictly enforced. Petitions received after
deadlines will be reviewed in the following semester.
Receiving, Adjudicating and Reporting Results of Appellate Cases
*** Deadlines are strictly enforced.
Council Authority and Governance
Council on Academic Standards (CAS) is a faculty peer-review and governance council which reports to the Associate Provost
Academic Standards Recommendations
On occasion, CAS may be asked by either the Associate Provost’s office, the Faculty Senate, or the President’s office to recommend suggestions on Academic Standards issues. These issues include all of the items listed under Functions above, including admissions and graduation. Once charged, CAS discusses the issue and drafts a resolution for the requesting party. The decisions shall be made by greater than 50% of the CAS members which will constitute a majority vote and will be sufficient to move the resolution forward.
If the vote is not greater than 50%, CAS cannot be met or CAS feels further discussion will not change the vote, then Council will refer the case to the Associate Provost for final decision.
Academic Standards Violations and Student Conduct
Per policy 541, the members of CAS may be asked to serve on appeal hearings related to Student Conduct. These invitations will come from the Dean of Students’ office. When possible, this duty shall be shared by all members of the committee.
Council Accountability
The Chair of CAS shall provide an annual activity report to the Associate Provost, the Faculty Senate, and the APSA (Associate Provost of Student Affairs). This report shall include the type, number, and results of petitions heard by CAS, any topics that CAS has addressed, and the results of any analysis performed by CAS. This report should take place near the end of the Spring semester. All members are held accountable for these bylaws. The Chair and any members appointed to act as Chair, shall be held accountable to follow the processes set forth in these bylaws. Any violation of the processes set forth in these bylaws may result in removal from CAS with referral to the appropriate employee disciplinary policy/board/committee.
All members of CAS and any committees formed by CAS should remember that confidentiality is vital to the functioning of CAS. All information about the discussions held inside the meeting is to remain confidential, including but not limited to, the names of any involved in a petition, the course and department involved in a petition, and the particulars of the decision. All information about CAS's decisions shall be sent in official communications between the Chair of CAS, the affected parties, and the administration, as appropriate. Violation of confidentiality may result in removal from CAS with referral to the appropriate employee or student disciplinary policy/board/committee.