Internships are a great way to gain experience in your field of study while also receiving college credit. An internship is a pre-professional career experience with specific learning goals designed to help students acquire real-world practice and job-related skills. Internships may be full time or part time, paid or unpaid positions, and generally last between three and six months.

Why Do An Internship?

Students do internships for several reasons including, but not limited to:

  • Gaining practical experience in a particular career field
  • Increasing professional worth during the job search
  • Networking with industry professionals
  • Gaining regular employment with the internship provider or a similar organization following the internship
  • Applying skills learned in the classroom
  • Test-driving a career
  • Learning and adopting key concepts related to professionalism
  • Building confidence
  • Enhancing a resumè or graduate school application
  • Acquiring academic credit

We encourage UVU students to complete one or more internships before graduation. Most UVU students complete internships during their junior or senior year. However, we also encourage students in freshman and sophomore years to complete exploratory internships. Internships are available for students of varying skill levels, and your advisor can help you to determine when an internship will best fit into your academic and professional plans.

Preparing for an Internship

Resources to help students perform well throughout the job and internship search:

Learn the do’s and don’ts of all things internships to make the most out of your experience:

Explore academic and career fields through the help of a career counselor in the Career & Internship Center:

Make the right impression on an employer during your interview through the learning and practice of interview skills:

Are you needing direction? Discover your talents and interests to begin the best career path for you:

Get details and dates for career fairs, information sessions, on-campus job interviews, and more:


Below you will find some sample resumè templates and some excellent resources related to resumè building.

Sample Resumès


Another resource is the career counselors. They can give you feedback on your resumè, and even do mock interviews with you. You can make an appointment at this link. Career Services


The following are some helpful trainings related to networking. Networking is a vital skill for most industries.

LinkedIn Learning


  1. If you do not have a regular LinkedIn account, you will need to create one before you can access LinkedIn Learning. You do not need to use a uvu email for this task as this is your personal, professional account.
  2. Using your LinkedIn account, you will need to connect it to LinkedIn Learning. Connect Account Instructions
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