
The dashboard below displays internship course enrollment numbers for student's performing internships at Utah Valley University.

Data Explanations

  • The data dashboard displays unique* student internship course registrations for the last five academic years by academic year and individual semester. Hover over the bars to view total internship registrations for your selected criteria. You can also view the increase/decrease in enrollment percentage from the previous academic year or semester grouping.
    • *Some departments utilize multiple internship course registrations for a student in the same semester. The registrations are of a similar subject matter and are therefore combined in this data set.

Useful Tips

  • For the best experience viewing this data, use a desktop or laptop computer rather than a phone or tablet.
  • If you observe an error or have slow loading time, refresh the page.
  • If the view suddenly becomes blank while you interact with the data, you have unselected all of your filters. Make a new selection, and the view will reappear.
  • After selecting a particular data point, it will turn blue. To unselect, simply click on another data point, or re-click the one currently selected.
  • Use the download button in the lower-right corner of the view to download the currently displayed data in one of several formats. For a more specific data set, please contact: Marty Overly, Career and Internship Center

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