IN THE LOOP | July 26, 2022

calendar items

(For a full list of all UVU Staff holidays, see the PACE calendar)

August 1

Collaboration day: staff meeting

August 2

Staff Fall Forum: 9:00-11:00 am

August 12

HR Goal Setting deadline in UVU Perform

August 15

Collaboration day: sub-department meetings

August 22

First day of UVU's Fall semester

September 5

UVU Staff Holiday: Labor Day

need to know

IR position opening

The job posting for Christine's full-time Intermediate Research Analyst position is live on the UVU Job Board. If you or anyone you know is interested, here is the link:

Deadline extended for 2022 Staff Goal Setting

From HR:

We hope you have been able to have many meaningful conversations throughout the last few months regarding your division, team, and personal goals. We know many of you are waiting to hear more specifics from your executives on what their goals are before entering your own goals. To allow more time for executive goals to cascade, we are extending the Goal Setting process deadline in UVU Perform to August 12 (login to myUVU, Employees, New Employee Management in green at the top right).

We also want to emphasize that the Goal Setting process is meant to be a resource for employees, not just something for compliance. The objective is to facilitate goal setting conversations at every level of the university, which is a culture shift from previous years.

We appreciate your patience while we work through this new process. We will collect feedback after the process is complete to understand how we can improve the process, gather your suggestions, and review what works well for future years.

Right now is an opportunity to continue to have conversations at every level regarding personal, team, and division goals and where the goals are at in the process.

If you have any questions about the process, system, or the goal sharing function, review the Performance Processes information in myUVU or contact HR at extension 8207. Staff Goal Setting guides, FAQs, and trainings can be found here: Staff Performance Development information in myUVU.

information items

RMAIR call for proposals

If you didn't see Quinn's email on Thursday, here is the information for the Fall 2022 RMAIR conference call for proposals:

We are now accepting proposals for presentations on any aspect of institutional research, effectiveness, and planning, with a focus on the theme, “Data Roundup”. Dates of the conference are Tuesday, October 17 through Friday, October 22, 2022. The conference will be held at the Overton Hotel & Conference Center in Lubbock, TX.


  • Research and practice presentations: live sessions about 25-30 minutes long.
  • Panel discussions: A group of presenters answering questions informally, led by a moderator—discussions will be 55 minutes long.
  • Workshops: sessions that are a half day long describing tools and techniques with participation of attendees.

Proposal Guidelines

Submit proposals to meet one of the three styles: research and practice presentations; panel discussions; or workshops. A committee of peers will evaluate all proposals. Proposals will be reviewed for relevance, thoroughness, and clarity.

Additional note: In addition to the required elements specific to each style listed below, provide any other information or details that the proposal reviewers will need to know beforehand.

Research and practice presentation proposals should include the following elements:

  • Presentation title (25-word limit)
  • Presentation abstract (100-word limit) – A brief description for the conference program.
  • Presentation summary (400-word limit) – Extended description of proposal for committee review.

Panel discussion and workshop proposals should include the above elements, plus:

  • Presentation plan (50-word limit) – A brief description that provides an overview of expected panel or audience involvement. Interactive presentations, especially for workshops, are highly encouraged.

Link to submit proposals. If you have any questions regarding proposal submission, please contact the planning committee, at [email protected].

UVU Data migration

The migration from Google Drive, Dropbox, the S Drive, and Box is planned to start in July 2022 and end by December 2022.


Internal audit - ethicspoint

EthicsPoint is a system that provides individuals the ability to anonymously report concerns. Reports can be made online at or by phone at 877-228-5401.

COVID-19 Info Resources for Staff


UVU moves from Pandemic to Endemic

UVU’s vaccine and testing clinic are now closed.

Home test kits are still available at Student Health Services, Human Resources, and Campus Connection. These are distribution-only sites; you can find answers to questions on the CDC website or by contacting your healthcare provider. Vaccinations are also available through the Utah County Health Department and traditional providers.

repeating events

Dx Half-time

Every Wednesday at 11:45 is the Dx Half-Time meeting.  You can access the meeting in the Dx Community Team (in Microsoft Teams) in the Half-Time channel. This meeting is only 15 minutes long, and everyone in Dx is invited.

board game lunch

On Wednesdays, the conference room will be open from 12:00-1:00 pm for all those who want to play board games on their lunch break.

wolverine sightings

Want to say thanks to someone for a job well done? Send a Wolverine Sighting!

pace wants to hear from you!

Did you know that PACE has an anonymous suggestion box for comments, suggestions, or concerns for the PACE board at If you would like a personal response, please include your name.


Food Service Hours of Operation for summer 2022

Follow on Instagram:UVUDining           and Facebook:UVUDining Services

Restaurants M – Th Friday Saturday
Starbucks (SC) 8:00 am–6:00 pm 8:00 am–5:00 pm Closed
Scoops (SC) 8:00 am–6:00 pm 8:00 am–5:00 pm Closed
Scoops (CB) 9:00 am–4:00 pm 9:00 am–4:00 pm Closed
Taco Bell (RL) 8:00 am–4:00 pm 8:00 am–3:00 pm Closed
Mom Fulton's Cafe (FL) 8:00 am–4:00 pm 8:00 am–2:00 pm Closed
Jamba Juice (RL) Closed Closed Closed
Subway (RL) Closed Closed Closed
Wendy's (SL) 8:00 am–3:00 pm 8:00 am–3:00 pm Closed
Chik-Fil-A (SC) 9:00 am–3:00 pm 9:00 am–3:00 pm Closed
Guru's Cafe (CB) Closed Closed Closed
Sodalicious (KB) 10:00 am-2:00 pm 10:00 am-2:00 pm Closed
Trades Cafe (GT) Closed Closed Closed
CupBop (FL)
Closed Closed Closed
Food Trucks (FL) None None None


New Store/Reopening Location Estimated Completion  
SC Construction Student Center Summer 2022
Chick-Fil-A Student Center NOW OPEN
Panda Express Student Center Summer 2022
E.A.T.S. Student Center Summer 2022



Tim's vacation to oregon

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Construction photos

Construction has not changed (on the outside of the buildings) recently, so there are no photos this week.